Congratulations, Host!

What was this?


Ian blinked in awe as the Pokemon game theme song came up, as well as the digital image of Ash on one side, and another person on the other.

They looked as though they were about to fight each other or something.

But from the manga, he knew that they were probably about to have a Pokemon battle.

If Ian could say, he would probably describe the images to be similar to how the images on his calculator showed up... Except, the images were more vivid and well done than that.

Look! He could even see potted plants, a miniature Ash and several other cool features when the game started.

That's right. He started at the scene where Ash seemed to be in some reception room with another person seated on the couch close to the potted plants.

Ian's heart bursts with excitement as he quickly found himself immersed in the strange world of Pokemon.