A Bizare Situation

Lucy frowned when the 3rd wave of police vehicles passed her by.

She squinted her eyes deeply. 

Could it be that something disastrous was happening within the city?

"Jeanne. Switch to live news and turn up the radio a bit."

The lady driver in black attire and black sunglasses glanced at the rear mirror, nodded obediently before doing as she was told.

Lucy and even Kora, who seemed to be playful earlier on, listened attentively as if she could understand the words echoed out from the radio.

But of course, no one would take her seriously.

What could a few-month-old baby understand?

The duo listened and didn't get any love news that might be linked to why several police vehicles would be moving up and down like this.

Lucy, as well as Kora, also had a bad feeling about this.

Nonetheless, seeing how Baymard operated, whatever it was would soon be disclosed to be public once the matter was all cleaned up.