The Plan!

The atmosphere was tense, and everyone's emotions were riding high.

Poison Blade and the others all looked at Scarface deeply.

"Boss! I suspect that the captured Morg genius that created this all should be here in Baymard!" Said another.

Poison Blade nodded in agreement with his fingers against his chin: "Yes, Boss. I think he's right. The genius should still be here in Baymard... Let's analyze the situation a bit more." Poison Blade said while calmly walking towards the massive floor-to-ceiling glass wall.

And everyone also diligently listened in too.

Poison Blade was the 2nd in command, and the level of respect they all gave him was high as well.

He was thinner than most of them, with a lean body fit that made him more flexible than the rest. 

His eyes were a violet shade, and his natural hair was also violet in colour too.