Who Was Their Target? 2

Thinking of the shock on the faces of the envoys, Santa couldn't help chuckling up a bit. 

They just never expected such a thing to happen to them here in Pyno.

Generally, they were proud and arrogant to those in Pyno and Lesser places because they were 99% sure that nothing would happen to them.

But when dealing with larger forces like Morgany, then they dared not act so boldly.

In fact, with other places of power, they were most likely to die from being the bearer of bad news.

And in Pyno, only the late Alec Barn could shake their confidence with his unpredictability.

He was the only person that other people had to think twice before making any sudden moves.

Not because they were scared of him... No... It was all because the man was an unpredictable, crazy-head who would act the complete opposite from the cowering people in Pyno.