Mysterious Man

Landon frowned while listening to Josh. 

Afraid of someone? What kind of powerful entity is this to make his brother so worried?

Josh held onto the ship's rails and stared at the stars deeply: "Brother, as I lay my head to rest earlier one, an old memory quickly resurfaced in my mind, shocking me silly... Brother, do you remember the time when I got kidnapped for the 2nd time?"

Landon thought hard and nodded at him: "That time, you were kidnapped and almost sold during one of your missions around Arcadina. But thankfully, you and the remaining survivors were saved by one of Lucius' brothers."

"Ye... Yes..." Josh affirmed: "It's exactly like that. But you see, the people who kidnapped us seemed to be slave traders that worked particularly in Dafaren."

"And that person is the one you fear?"

Josh nodded his head slowly.