Paving The Way

"Excellent work, Overseer Tim. We will be expecting your reports on the matter soon." 

"Yes, ministers!" Tim said, escorting the ministers out. 


That was rough. 

Finally, he was out of the hot seat. This time they hammered him hard. 

But luckily, in the face of greatness, what complaints could one possibly have?

Sure, their product might not be perfect. But because this is the first of its kind, many might not have anything to compare it with, not knowing its flaws. 

The majority of people would be grateful for having such devices. 

Of course, that doesn't mean they wouldn't try to create variations of the same product. 

Some will have bigger storage spaces, while for others, their CPUs can be made to stand vertically or lying horizontally, making one place the monitor on top of them. 

And the mouse pads will have various colors and cute designs too.