R.I.P. Man In White

Silent Night.

Holy night. 

All was calm, and all was bright. 

The Little ones had gone to bed, and the older ones also followed along too.

The smiles on their faces couldn't be hidden.

Christmas in late May.

Would you believe it?

Neither did they, until their world underwent an exciting spin with all the commercials they saw from before.

'Sleep! Sleep! Sleep!'

Many verbally commanded their shut down, planning to use all the energy they gathered for the battle ahead. 

In the meantime, some families first prepared their armor for the journey. 



"Duct tape?"


"Protective helmet?"

"Check! Check! Check! Check! Check!"

They say seeing is believing. 

If one walked in on these families, they would think they were preparing for the end of the world. 

It was already 2 A.M with everywhere as dark as ink with a few stars in the sky.