A Thundering Order

Din. Din. Din. Din. Din~

The heavy stomping sounds of many rushing across the farms, ponds, and public tables could be heard all across the scene.

And soon enough, many truly knew what scarcity meant. 

"No!... I don't see any more Tilapias. Hey! Catfish!... Catfish... Though the taste is similar to Tilapia, there's a distinct difference that wouldn't go well with the dish I had in mind. Dammit! It looks like I'll have to change things up!"

"Purple Salmon! I got Salmon! Oh, baby, I can just kiss you now!.. Lucky me!"

"A Green Perch! I actually caught a Perch fish!"

"Silver Bass fish... Carp fish... I caught these 2 at once!"

"Oh no! The pond is all out of fish! But at least half of us here haven't gotten any fish yet! Then what do we do?... Meat!... They seem to have meat in the public deep freezer at the side!"