Project AirPort

The sun was out, and many had arrived with their secretaries, assistants, or guards, assisting them in taking notes. 

Everyone's ears were perked to the sky with this new and surprising project that they knew nothing about. 


What was that? 

They knew of seaports and even Baymard's famous Landport. 

But who can tell them what an airport was? 

They had a hunch but pushed their thoughts away, feeling that maybe they were overthinking things. 

Project Airport. 

It was not too long that their Queen began looking for a suitable site, alongside the Baymardian team that delivered a special letter to her.

In the end, this site was chosen. 

It wasn't in the heart of the city. And neither was not in a slum region or overly crowded site.

What was surplus over here were beautiful sceneries of greenery that differed from the hustling and bustling of the central city site.