What A Bus!

Mosby turned the pages of the newspaper in his hand with pity. 

If he had known that Baymard would grow this much to the point where it even had such a powerful Merchant association helping new and old Pyno merchants, why would he choose to leave instead?

'You guys are playing with me, aren't you.'

After spending 5 months with his family, Mosby, who thought he no longer wanted to be a merchant, was again stirred towards the path due to his son. 

That's right. In his absence, his son had come of age and had also become a tier-3 merchant within the association. 

Tier-12 was the highest one could reach.

Each Tier had its perks and advantages, like what sort of goods they could export and import in Baymard. 

There were also chances to advertise themselves across the continent and other advantages in growing their businesses. 

One shouldn't even talk about the bi-yearly party held in various locations across Pyno.