Finally Arrived

[15 minutes post arrival]

The words echoed out within the ships. 

And many within the vehicles all braced themselves, clenching their fists, subconsciously holding onto their seats, and even tightening their grips on their steering wheels. 

Meanwhile, the knights and warriors standing within the leveled plains swallowed hard while staring at the enormous ships sailing their way.

Mr. M stood on top of a bushy hill, staring over the horizon with an unfathomable gaze.

His body quivered uncontrollably with widened eyes. 

Sure enough, the ships didn't disappoint him. They were majestic, giving off a powerful aura that made all the nearby ships and humans subconsciously give way. 

What was power? This was power!

'These are the highest ships I have ever seen! But how can they be so fast? What sort of slaves are rowing the giant ships? Animals?'

Murdoch's eyes turned sharp. 'No matter the cost, I must have one in my possession!'