A Good Day

--The Royal Capital, Baymard.--


The sun was up, though not at its fullest.

It was 8 A.M. The summer sun had long risen by 6 A.M.

And now, the streets were filled with people smiling and saluting one another, some whistling merrily, others rushing to work before the clock struck 9, and some busily running stands on their days off. 


The day was busy, bubbling, and vibrant. 

And the heat, though so way in the morning, was already eminent.


Many could already imagine how hot it would be once midday arrived.

On the trains, some held their newspapers, reading all important information they found.

"Ahhh... Here it is, the weather forecast for the next 2 weeks!" Someone mumbled to himself, piquing the interest of those seated around him.

Baymard was such a magical place in the eyes of many.