Warning! Warning! Intruder Alert!

Tick-Tock. Tick-Tock.

The intruders used the enemy Baymardian watches to tell the time with no shame.

And as the ticking noises bellowed, the tension aboard the galleys grew hotter. 

The lit torches, as well as the solar Baymard bulbs, were all turned off, making the ship seem hunted. 

But who's to say there weren't ghosts aboard?

In the dead of night, only the faint glowing eyes of many shone dimly the further they advanced.

Each leader narrowed their eyes, whitling a natural tune in the wind. 


Break apart!

The order had been given, and the many galleys sailed off to every corner across the coastal zones. 

All galleys were to hit their mark on land at the same time. 

So some slowed their speeds, and others hastened up. 

Every move had been calculated, giving rough estimates of when they should all reach their mark.