Finally, Here!

Are you impressed? Are you filled with the spirit of the working God in you? 

The crowd gathered all had a variety of expressions plastered on their faces as they got out of the buses and headed to the front of the roundabout. 

Some couldn't keep their eyes from darting about, while others only left their mouths hung wide open in disbelief. 

Yes. By now everyone was used to modern buildings for many years now. 

But one thing to note was that though the industries had similar buildings amongst themselves, each Industry had 2 or 3 iconic ones. 

The oral and toothpaste industry had a few key buildings designed like a squeeze of toothpaste on a brush. 

The paper-making industry had a particular beholding that resembled a giant sticky note from all angles. 

One could say within these industries, they all had iconic 'monuments' that made many admirers.