
Divine help came in the form of Obas. But what were they?

The Obas, like an ant hill, allow the waters to flow down the towering slopes. 

It was the Omanian ancestors who thought it was to create channels that led the flowing waters into the nearby streams and lakes. 

So everything balanced itself up like the circle of life.

This was why even with the booming heat, water seemed to never run out for these people. 

Additionally, their trees might look similar to those in Baymard and other regions, but they were not. 

These trees were like their people, Giants. And what's more, the trees could survive for extended periods without much water, as though they were a Cactus in a desert. 

So if one day the Obas don't release water to balance things up, these trees would still survive. 

Of course since the beginning of time, the Obas have always supplied water without delay... But that might never happen.