Friend Or Foe?

No torches were illuminating the thick black stone dwellings. Darkness was all many could see. 

The air was cold, the floors were icy, and the eyes of many struggled to stay open amid their swelling.

What was going on here?

On the 3rd floor, deep in the heart of the underground prison, 3 towering men locked in the same cell couldn't help noticing the commotion. 

They were giants, tortured beyond belief, with some losing toes and fingers and others dawning gruesome lines of the enemy's design. 

Their skin was clammy, and their breathing was thin and ragged.

They had been asleep earlier but had their eyes sprung wide open the moment they heard the strange noises from above. And coupled with how these Adonis bastards jumped around the place, they were sure it was an enemy attack.

But who?

2 out of the 3 men were anxious, wishing that whether foe or friend, the intruders would hurriedly find them.