So You Wanna Be A Gangster?

When the news of victory spread out, a messenger was quick to get on his horse and alert the palace. 

However, Landon's group had long overtaken the messenger, so the palace was still on high alert, seeing the strange mechanical monsters run their way. 

Of course behind these mechanical monsters were also various guards in the city who chased widely after them thinking it was an enemy attack. 

 Gritting their teeth, the guards pointed their spears and swords at the metal monsters now on standby.

It had only been 3 seconds since the strange creatures arrived, yet it seemed both sides had been plunged into a fierce face-off for eternity.

It was only after the Giant in the front Baymardian vehicle stepped out, that they froze, trying to comprehend the short and brief message passed out.

"Open the city gates! These are carriages belonging to our new allies. The war is won!"
