The Pitiful Tacholla

Words alone couldn't describe the emotions these Royals felt, especially when they did a test run, allowing the Baymardians to place the watch around their wrists. 

What? You want it back, father? No way!


Over their dead bodies… Finders keepers, even if it was yours to begin with. 

Some watches were standard, others were digital, and some were smartwatches.

How can 1 person wear so many at a time? 

Didn't you hear the Baymardians say it was a limited edition watch, saying that these particular 10 watches were one of a kind? 

After choosing theirs without permission they now turned to see what each other had. And though they fell in love with what they now wore, several people couldn't help admiring the designs of other watches. 

"Elder sister, you are really bad. Why didn't you tell me there was such a design hidden here? Look, it even shows you the day... So what happened to sisters for life?"