Mysterious Guests

Ah yes~

Tax returns had become a thing of true joy in Baymard. For who didn't know of the money calculated and given back by the Baymardian government? 

Some people looked forward to them so much, planning how they would use the money to buy new gadgets or work on new personal projects. 

Perhaps because Brandon was one of the frost people to file taxes, several weeks later, he got his large tax return directly deposited into his bank account. 

And wouldn't you know it? 

A week later, his sister got hers as well. 

She couldn't believe it! 

Was… Was this really all for her? 

Last year was her first time working, and she had heard a bit about tax returns. 

But seeing the amount she got, only made her feel like she was floating on clouds. 


She rolled on her bed, laughed crazily while planning on how to spend the money.