Finally Here!

Looking at himself in the mirror, Daymon nodded in satisfaction. 

He often felt like the most good-looking man in Pyno, due to his complexion being so light. 

He was a half breed, part Tenolian and part Pyron. 

People from Tenola have naturally snowy pale skin. It was because he was half Tenolian that his skin was fairer and shone brightly under the sun. 

Ever since he came here, many women have turned their attention to him because of his stunning complexion and good looks. 

But why did he come to Pyno? Why did he return to Yodan, his ancestral home? 

"Gentlemen… please, take a seat… in fact, take several seats… my home is yours," Daymon encouraged, with a broad smile on his lips.

Standing before him was a famous group within his organization. 

They were called the Vites. 

They were a cruel dispatch group that is said to have members of over 50,000 in their department. 

Understand this.