Enter: The Female Rebel


Can you hear it? 

The talks of many in the shadows, gossiping about the faint newly sprung stories of the Female Phantom Rebel King. 

In the bars, pubs and well-known establishments, many lowered their necks and whispered around the tables filled with rum, all talking about the mysterious female king. 

"I heard she made a mess of Viscount Camelot's Entertainment arena." 

"What?!!!... True or false? I thought that was an unfounded rumor, for how can a mere woman cause so much chaos, talk less of going head on with someone as powerful as Viscount Camelot?"

Was this some sort of joke? 

Those who listened to the rumors twisted their faces and stared at their ale in a daze, no one knowing what thoughts were twirling in their minds. 

For a moment, many tables fell in a ghastly slope of knee-deep silence, no longer feeling the bubbling bliss from the clapping music and dance from the tavern women dancing around on tables.