Danger! Danger! Danger!

The new and improved YoMac Port was even grander than Sirius expected.

The name YoMac came from combining the empire's name: Yodan, and the great Royal name: MacLaine.

Grand, Tidy and Spacious.

Those were the words that came in Sirius's mind when entering the estate. It was an old estate that was now remodeled and fixed up with more up-to-date technologies.

It was not today that this estate was built. 

One should know that this port estate has been in Yodan for hundreds and hundreds of years now. And when Baymard built the Trans Bay-Yodan port within the Coastal city of Memphis, the estate port here in the Capital became even busier than ever.

To put it simply, after Baymard emerged and Sirius became ruler, one of the first things he did was to assign this estate to be the port to be an Official one in charge of official Imports and Exports.