The Future of Communications?


Laughter filled a certain lab, as several people gathered around with glistening eyes. 

"I can't believe it!... Your majesty… I can't believe it actually works!!" 

Minister Abudaby placed the small device to his ears, feeling the flicking wrist movements to be so cool. 


"Old Lester, I'm leaving you a Voicemail now…." Abudaby coughed boldly before raising his voice in a tone he felt was cool and strong. 

"Minister Abudaby here, from the Department of Communications here… Testing, testing… Do call back at your earliest convenience at ×××-×××-××××."


Abudaby dropped the call and everyone quickly urged Lester to follow his Majesty's instructions. And soon, they heard Abudaby's voice replay on speaker from Lester's Prototype phone. 

"Amazing! It truly works"