It's Moving! It's Moving!

Sebastien thought deeply during his time in Baymard. 

In summer time, a direct flight from: 

– Baymard to Arcadina takes: 6 hours, 24 minutes.

– Baymard to Carona: 9 hours, 47 minutes. 

– Baymard to Deiferus: 7 hours, 8 minutes. 

– Baymard to Yodan: 15 hours, 14 minutes. 

– Baymard to Terique: 15 hours, 5 minutes. 

Using these stats, he could travel from Arcadina to Another Pyno empire in under 3 days. 

Understand that all flights between Pyno empires must stop at Baymard's international Airport for a layover. 

So if he was going to Carona from Arcadina, the plane would first stop in Arcadina, where he would get a layover before boarding another plane to Carona. 

"What devilry is this?" The exclamation of a grizzly man echoed into Rudolf's open cabin. 

Beside the man was a flight attendant who was struggling to keep her professional demeanor. 

"Please sir, rest your heart, let me help you up."