A Busy Night

Rules, rules, rules…

The rules of curfew were simple.

Even if you're in a Pub and the time is up, get a room in the Pub and stay there for your own good.

During these times, the guards would monitor all streets and paths; and sometimes, assassins and other nightcrawlers would get caught.

Of course, for nobles and other wealthy people, the guards can turn a cheek and pardon their movements after curfew, depending on one's rank or the money they bribe the guards with.

Do you think any of these guards could ever do anything to Frederik if they knew his true identity?

But then again, Frederik wasn't moving as a prince, but was traveling with his disguised merchant identity instead.

Looking at the moon, everyone knew they had a little less than an hour's time to get home, give or take.


Bain gave the orders and the coachmen took off in a flash.