The Battle Of Beauties

In the blinding rays of the sun's woven brilliance, the colorful birds chirped, the pets grunted in comfort, and the bees buzzed. 

Ah yes, there was nothing quite like the scorching rays of summer's embrace, frying everyone below into hard boiled eggs. .humans they say, were quite a funny bunch. 

Despite the hard beating sun, they smiled merrily, wiping away the sweat with their handkerchiefs, with some strolling around the sidewalks with long wooden canes and others with hands behind their backs. 

What a fine day it was! 


Beep! Beep!


The sounds of engines roaring could be heard by those around the busy highways. 

"Operator, find another way to Scott Road. I'm currently at Glinginburd Street."


[Right away sir, first, take a left on Main street 64, head on straight on Highway 42, and blah blah blah, blah.]