Succeeded - Hello, Tesseract

In the Lower Region, a burly but short man rushed at full speed down a massive Turbine, hopping onto his go-kart and driving off with an equally crazed mind. 

"Sir, please slow down," his secretary advised. 

'At your age, can't you take things a little easier?'

It was amazing that driving in a go-kart could make him so queasy. His boss was already 47 but kept acting like a toddler whenever he got excited. 

Although Secretary Thomas inwardly complained, he still liked his boss this way. 

"Lalalalalala~... Technology, technology~" Tim was singing songs he made up while driving to his primary office. 

Well, he loved field work more, so much of the time he was out with his safety hat, safety boots and field clothes. 

There was so much going on that Tim truly felt truly grateful to the Heavens for letting him get born into this era. 
