The Events that Transpired within The Last Five Minutes Shocked and Scared The Lord's of The North Who Were previously Just watching what happened to the Flayed Lord, All Except One Offcourse and that was Lord Hornwood.
Five Minutes ago
The Flayed Lord Came out on top of His Destrier swaying along the Magnificent Beast Movements, The Expensive Creature is a creature of War and of the Highest Calibers, As it trotted He Kept the Reigns Tightly Held ,He wouldn't Want to give those around the satisfaction of seeing him Brought Low, as he Came closer To the Northern Camp, His Horse Paused and as he was about push the Beast it Reigned its Head Back And Lifted Itself and slammed Him to the Ground.
"No! ,Don't !!!"
He heard and As he was about push the Horse He Felt a pain that suddenly throbbed in his lower section, his momentary lapse of Judgment Allowed the Horse to Free The Reign Out of His Hands, Big Mistake, It Lifted it two Front Legs and Brough them Down on His Chest with Great Force and a Neighing Sound, Then All He saw was Darkness....
The Assembly of the Lords were watching with Baffled Expressions on their Faces while Glancing at their Mounts with barely Concealed Dread till the Heard what came from the sky.
A Murder of Crows and Ravens Descended upon The DreadFort Shouting "Justice!" And scaring the Ever Daylight out of them causing the Guards to Drop Their weapons and Go out of the castle, Surrendering with their hands above their heads while discarding all Armor.
King Stark Ordered His Men To Seize the castle and its occupants and to kill All who fight them, while a Raven Descended on his Shoulders with a Message, which he unfolded and Read.
" To King Torrehn Stark
Did you think I would let him live after the Horrendous amount of Atrocities I have witnessed?! ,NO!, I Came to Bring Justice upon these Lands, Justice that our Ancestors Have Failed to deliver, Cousin, I have Cast A spell during the Advancement Here, it Allowed me To Seep the land Vitality off From The Sisters,The Fingers and The Iron Islands, The Lands of the Boltons formerly will be the most Fertile in the North and it would be divided between All Neighboring Nobles, As I have Shown in the Map Attached with this letter, The Act that is To be Forbidden is the practice of the First Night, it's a Disgusting and Hateful practice that you should see it erased from the North, The Biggest of Those who prey upon the Commoners through this are the Umbers And Karstarks, Specifically Morse Umber, Edwell Karstark and Jason Whitehill, Those Three will be Sent to the wall as an example and because their Actions Have destroyed Great amounts of Families and Turned Love into Resentment and Hate, In short , You Fucked Up Cousins and I'm now cleaning your Shit, also abolish Your Heir's Betrothal to the Dustin's and Seek a Blackwood Bride, that way your First men blood will be replenished to it's Greatest State but wait five years to brooch the Matter to the Blackwoods, That's when the Line of Harren will be Extinguished.
Another Great Matter is that the Citadel have been stealing the Family Magics and secretly Killing Any who is born to House Stark and the rest of our people's houses with the Gifts of the First-Men, At Once Start sending trustworthy young men to the Citadel with explicit Orders to NEVER speak of magic and Ass kiss the southerners till their hold on the Citadel Is Destroyed and so they can be the next line of the North's Maesters, Those on conspiracy on magic are the maesters of houses Stark, Dustin, Whitehill, Glover, Karstark and Manderly, try to interrogate them to find how much damage they brought upon the North.
Also the Second Long Night is within Three Centuries, Try To Bring in Giants and Earth Singers to this side of the wall or they will be Extinct,They who we shared Blood with, The Thenns would be a Good Edition for the Mountain Clans, You Should Bring the Free Folks to this side as well,Bar the Cannibals offcourse you can kill them all, They Will bring Fresh Blood to Reignite the Spark of Magic In First Men Blood after what the Maesters and Andals Have done to us over the Millennias,Start small By sending Your Strongest Men At arms to Battle and Kill their Chieftains and obtain these Clans and Start with the small ones, cooperate with Night watch for that,The North Is vast and You can Settle them Anywhere, Especially The Gift, Once you start to the slaughter of the Cannibals I will take the Vitality of the lands from those of always winter Going South till you reach the wall, Show this Letter to your Lords and have them Swear Secrecy then Burn it.
Also there are Three Silver Mines in the Mountain Clans Lands I will describe later in a map.
Karold Snow "
Torrehn's head was spinning, if all what he said is true then a disaster awaits them , He put his head between his hands after handing The Letter To Brandon and his Heir To Read whom shared the same stormy expression, The Lord's each Read the Letter with Huthor Umber gaining a shade of red on his face, " You want to have the Bastard tell us what to do in our lands?!" Howled the Giant of A Man while the Karstark Lord also showing his displeasure, To which he received A fist in the Face from the Only BaseBorn Brother of the king, Brandon, who had a Furious Look on his face which sparked a fight in the Tent till Torrehn had enough.
" Stop this Madness! All of you right this instance! If what he says is true he is saving the North and you Lord Umber, I promised the Man and I intend to Keep My promise and if I find that any of your house or The Nobles of The North practice the First Night Again In My Lands I will Have Him GILDED and then Sent to the wall!!! And you ! Any of ya lot want to Defy your Kings Decision? Then Shut Up ! This is To Be Delivered across the North, Any Lord Caught practicing the First Night will be GILDED By MY Own hands and then Sent to the wall" He Shouted to the Lords and then to the Guard who went to Deliver the News across the kingdom, Then a Map was thrown in the Middle of the Table on which they were meeting, it had the Borders to each House lands with the Bolton Lands been cut and divided, it was easy to see the Biggest to Gain of this was The Hornwoods and Starks, To which both Nodded their Ascent, While Flint and Manderly Supported their Neighbor and King, So The Karstarks and Umbers Had to Swallow their Arguments up, The Only One beaming Though was Heir Stark As he didn't like Arrogant the Dustin House, Then They went on to discuss the Multiple Topics on the Message with Silent parties Sent across the lands to secretly secure and bring the mentioned Maesters to be interrogated in Winterfell and with that King Torrehn Chose His Brother to lead the Hose to subdue the Remaining Bolton lands.
The Aforementioned Man Grinning Savagely, he went out of the tent and Gave orders and took Two Thirds of the Total Force with him and went east , Many went ahead with the army from the lords forces, especially the levies after all was paid due, Lord Hornwood was tasked by taking The Gold to Ramsgate, a Task he was very thankful for and for two reasons,First, Meeting his Good Daughter who is pregnant with his Grandchild, Second, Meet the man that helped him Exact Revenge, Especially The last Act, as it was detailed that for the lands to be Rid of the anguish and Blood that was Unjustly Spilled by Boltons and for it be productive it was necessary to quench the Spirits of the dead, Bolton's head was Mounted on weirwood and his intestines along while his Body was Flayed and left to Rot For Three Days In His Solar, The Change in the land was becoming Noticeable with No Forbaden Atmosphere lingering in the place, so much so even Flowers were Blooming along the Road.
The Aftermath of The Northerners Newly subdued lands brought The Attention of the rest of Westeros to them and with four kingdoms on cusp of war, being The Kingdom of Isles And Rivers under King Harren Hoar, The Westerlands Under King Loren Lannister, The Reach Under King Mern Gardner and King Argillac Durandonn of The Stormlands,The King's Brother Brandon Snow was leading a 10000 Men army across the North hunting bandits, Criminals and Wildlings Alike, The Army would Move Across the North and be eventually situated across the Western Shores, Killing Many Ironborn Raiders and Taking their Ships which would be used to protect the Northerners Left Side while Clashing with the Ironborn.
Six Months Later
Ronnel Arryn pov
His Gentle Mother Has once Again Read the Seven pointed Star for him so he Can Go to Sleep under the protection of the Seven, He was an Arryn, A Descendant of Hugo of the Hill, a True Andal and A seven blessed Child as his Mother would Call Him, As he Closed his eyes to sleep the Night, he was Greeted By A Green Forest and as he was about to wander around he heard A falcon's Cry , He raised his head up and was greeted by a white falcon With a Seven Pointed Star on it's chest, That was his house sigil and faith in one, He Gazed at the creature with admiration and fascination till the Falcon Descended upon a river on which A ship with many Hoars Slammed into the falcon suddenly and Everytime it tries to get out of the water it was struck by a Hoar, Then Suddenly found himself Drowning And Being Struck Hoars Everytime He Swims up, He Grew Frantic as he couldn't Breathe, Till He Heard the sound of Thunder and the Boat stopped Hitting Him, Enough that he managed to Swim out of the Water, He Saw a Great Stag that Having a Thundering Sound from its Hoofs, Then a Rawr was Heard and a Great Gold Lion Descended From The Hill Next to the River, Then The Forest Grew Then Vines Shaped As Hands Started To Attack the Ship as well Then the Falcon Returned, Bloody and Haggard but it Joined The Foray Till they all Ripped The Hoars Of the Ship and Let it Sink and Fade away.
That Night The Kings of the Vale, The Storm, The Isles and Rivers, Westerlands and The Reach shared the Same Dream but by a Varying Degree, They All Started To Prepare Their Armies, For War.
Pov End
Karold was Using proxies for HisTrade and By Helping the Manderlys of White Harbor be rid of the less than savory merchants and confiscating and dividing their possessions, Profiting and Trading across the Narrow Sea, He was Bringing Money in, He Have delegates to Lessen his work load But by far he was the Most Powerful Merchant within the North, Ten thousand Turned a Hundred Thousand within Five Months, He was Expanding across the Continents and Raking Profits From Gems, Salt, Lumber and The Newest Trade of all, Ice, He Have Stayed In Ramsgate for The Mean Time To Deliver Wylla's Child to life, He was Thanked profusely by lord Hornwood, especially after Confirming that the Babe was a Healthy Boy still Growing.
The Summer was Coming to an End and The Real Value the New lands was Showing its worth to the North, Coupled by New Farming and Food Preservation Methods that would Help the North Tremendously, Kareem's Studies of the Mundane and Mysterious was ongoing and Can say with pride that, He would achieve a Link in Farming and Animal Husbandry with Great ease, His Methods, Barns and Farms were Mostly in the Newest Divided lands, Specifically, Starks and Hornwood, while the rest refused to take the opinions of an upstart bastard, Well, It was Their Loss, So Far Kareem was Using Greensight and Warging into the past and present and Learning all he can from past practitioners, He Manged to Spy that the other Greenseer in the North was from Greywater Watch, A Reed, He Managed to Send an invitation to which the other party reluctantly agreed to, He was to meet him In white harbor In three Months, though for now they had a Truce, To help all of Westeros, He Managed to Find That the One Beyond the Wall was as Old as the Starks, He was their Since The Marsh Kings and Barrow Kings were ruling parts of the North and was Known amongst the Children as the three eyed Crow...The Greatest Surprise was that it can't set foot south of the wall, as If something or someone was Forbidding it, Though it could warg, See and influence those South the wall,He was the One To Guide a Young Harren to catch a young Witch as salt wife, also Made his Fascination with Blood Magic Reach high levels, The Old Ways and The Drwoned God, The Reed Man, a Commoner Named Owen was A Great Help , He Guided and Started to advice me and I came to be more Cordial, according to Him I was Growing at a Massive Rate and that I could Equal the Three Eyed Crow within the Decade.
The Interrogation of the Maesters gone better than I ever thought, they Confessed to Even Poisoning Children who shown any aptitude for Magic and were sentenced To Death, The News have put the Lords at odds with the Citadel, Luckily all of this was done Discreetly, So No news of this Came out, The North Sent tens of Boys to the Citadel in small Droves over the last six Months, through white harbor offcourse, The Boys Aged From 16 To 20 were Chosen because of their Love for pursuing Knowledge,Healing, architecture or Other Fields, I had Been Reading GRRM Books and Strategy Guide to Familiarize myself with as much as possible of the threats here, Here The Children Didn't Create the Night King, This Creature (If it can be Called that,It's The Closest thing to a living God Of Ice), Comes from the Bowles of The Lands Of Always Winter, It Mastered It's Element as well as Necromancy to a Frightening Degree, It Can also Cloud Itself From Sight after Battling The Earth Singers For Millennias, It has A High Amount of Magic Due to it's Age, I doubt anything Can Kill It, Baring Star Metal, Not even Valyrian Steel Can!,The Creature Warred with The Earth Singers from 15 to 8 Thousands B.C, Since The Dawn of Time.
I have Been Observing the Last Scions of Valyria as well, Assessing them and So far so Good, They weren't Angels per se but far Better than Half the Lords of Westeros, The state of Constant Wars can only be remedied by Felling All lesser Kings, True, There are Those More Deserving than Aegon, Like Torrehn or Even Loren But that would be an ideal world and this world Has not Even heard of Ideal, I Could Have Become the Conqueror But that was Not My Cue, No, I was the quite Guy, Not the Social Butterfly, I have Made a decision and Hopefully I can see it through to Complete My Plans.
I have Been Warging and Diving through the weirwood,Observing the lessons taught or Discovered by the Earth Singers of Old, Spying, Learning Scinces which takes all my sleeping Time, I have Also Been Practicing Blood Magic throughout my days, The Mage Perk Grants Me a Huge Margin Of Power, I have Been Buying Lyseni Slaves and Releasing Them at Braavos and thanks To the Iron Price,They were practically still my Slaves but they stay with me by their own wells, All are indebted To the Mysterious Master Snow for their freedom and new life away from bandage,especially when I offer work .
I have Succeeded in Planting a Normal Weirwood In Braavos which Granted Me access to the Lands of the City, Thus Veiwing the other Side of the sea Became less Taxing, But still better than Before, I have Managed to buy a Manse their that I used To plant the tree and base of operations in the Lands, I have also informed the Sea Lird of the Sudden Rise in Pirate Attacks and those Behind it, Namely Pentos and to a Lesser Degree, Volantis and Slaver's Bay, He was Extremely Grateful as well as the Iron Bank, Thanks to that I was Granted a discount at their Ship Prices which I bought alot of, I have Already Bought 15 Ships To My Name, They were Small Galleys Made for Trade and war, The Ice Business is Great, Essos is Much Hoter Than Westeros and as such ice was extremely popular in Lands Closest to the Valyrian peninsula, Keeping The Ice From Melting required me to cast some spells on the Ships Delivering It and The Boxes Containing it, The Same ones the prevent the Wall From Melting
The Extra Money brought in, I Have been Using for Helping the Poorest Of Northern regions, Namely Stoney Shore, The Neck and The Gift, Uplifting their conditions and Living arrangements have made me Far More Favorable than some Lords, Especially After providing them with Cattle to raise and Profit From,
I have Been Warging and Bringing Herbivorous Animals Southof the wall, In My Extra Time, They would be Released in the Wolfswood, The Lack Of Game would Force the Wildlings to accept Joining, also Bears, Direwolves and Shadowcats Were Thinning the Canibals Population, I Have Made it My Personal Goal To End Them their, The More the Cannibals were reduced the better, Torrehn Have Also been Training, Arming and Disguising Men As Wildlings, Even Going as far as to teach the the Old Tongue, 50 Men will be Sent to the wall and Coordinate with The Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, Jon Locke, an old Decrypt man that have been in the Watch for most of his life, He was Providing information about Easy Clans to convert, specifically, The Haunted Forest, in Five More Months they would be Let Go Dressing as Wildlings and bringing Food with them from the 'Crows', They were How To Talk and Behave, They would be Lords of lowly houses if they succeed and if not they would be dead, Many Jumped at the opportunity at the Start but many were let go either because they were inadequate or Too stubborn to understand the Mission, The Results were somewhat OK, Kinda, that's just an experiment anyway that I hope it works.
I also have been Causing Resentment in The Riverlords on The IronBorn, Slowly But Surely they Were Getting The Ironborn assassinated through 'Bandit Attacks' or 'Mountain clansmen Raids', So far House Goodbrother Lost a cadet Branch and two Lowly Houses, I have Been trying to Get to Harren's Mind but so far I had Little success, Scouring His action in the past provides me with Enough Spells, Alas all the Good Stuff He would keep to Himself, I have Managed to Reverse the Spells Placed On Harrenhal, so that it would End any with Harren's Blood that lives within, or Even set foot and that's alot of people, The Hoars shared Blood with Most of the Ironlords, which will help me eliminate these guys,They are a disease that is better being Purged, The Five Neighboring Kingdoms were preparing for War, though No one Attacked, The Visions Showed each those who provoke the Ironborn would be Harmed the Most, This is what's Stopping them, It wasn't a Good outcome for them, So everyone was Watching From the Sidelines, They were tense and Worried, Which was Good In My opinion.
A month later Wylla Gave birth in the Presence of Her Parents and Good Father, The Boy was Healthy and thanks to all The Magic it was Exposed to was Born a Warg, I have also told the Family about that, They were uneasy On that topic, it was decided he would learn of the Gift on His Sixteenth Name day, I have Checked The Boy's Health and he was Extremely Healthy, Many Maesters were 'Catching Cold' And Dieing that the Conclave Stopped Sending their Precious members and only Sent Neutral Accolades.
Next Morning I would Go to white Harbor Half a Year and Already So Much To Deal with.