Chapter 10: The Identity

Lucia Ricci's POV

The last thing that I remembered was that Sean was hitting a truck and we were bleeding that I was sure we will die. I have shared many nights with him but I could not get enough. I just had him and now I will be gone and some bitch will come and claim him.

I was trying to move before someone was shushing me. I don't know who it was but I know that I was in pain. A great lot of pain. I was looking around at it was a small room. It was a nice cottage.

"Good, you're awake. I thought I have lost you there," a familiar voice was whispering to me as I was opening my eyes slowly. The first thing that I saw was grey eyes and a wicked smile on his lips. God, I wanted to kiss this specimen.

"Now, don't give me that look, Lucy. I cannot hurt you, not without you recovering first," Sean said as he went to put some water into a glass and helped me to sip on them. It was nice as I was thirsty like a sponge. After I finished it, he set it aside as he hugged me. The pain subdued but it was still there.

"Oh, how I missed you. I thought you would never wake up," Sean said as he was kissing my hair. I was nuzzling his chest as I smelled his sandalwood scent, his signature.

"You don't know how worried I was," he said as he took my face in his hand. I was smiling at him before he kissed my nose.

"I'm here. I will not go anywhere," I said as I was looking at him. He chuckled before he pulled me into a hug.

"I know, I made sure that everyone we knew thought we have died," he said as he was kissing my hair again. I jerked away from him and turned to look at him as I blinked my eyes at him.

"What do you mean you make sure that we were dead?" I asked him as he handed me the new UK passport but when I opened it, it was my face.

"Lucy Copper?" I asked him as I was looking at him. He held out his passport and show it to me, his name was the same.

"Wait, I thought you were trying to hide your true identity," I said as I was confused as hell right now.

"True but my record was not tied to the famous Dr. Sean Copper who has published a lot of scientific papers but rather just a countryman who wanted to live his life peacefully with his wife," he said as he kissed my hands.

"Your wife?"

"Yes, that is why you bore my surname, Lucy and I think we all know you wanted me to call you that and now it was officially your name," he said as I was trying to think how he managed all of this.

"I have been following you after that accident, Lucy. I know I have some part of the guilt and I think by doing this, by hiding you or maybe doing a fake death for you, I might atone myself to you," he said as he was taking my hands into his.

My heart soared at his confession. He was held by guilt and that was the reason that he was doing this. Then, the realization hit me as I was looking into his grey orbs. He did not love me. He was feeling pity and guilty at me.

I released his hands from mine as I was turning away from him. I cannot bear the thought that he had trapped himself in this loveless marriage.

"How could you? Why you married me? What if you find someone that you love and you cannot marry her because of me?" I asked him as I was trying to control my anger and tears. I cannot bear his answer.

"But I did. I have found the love of my life and I was happy that I get to spend the rest of my life with her. But I think she did not love me," he whispered as I turned to look at him.

"You love me?" I asked him as I was shocked to hear his confession. He took my hands and he squeezed it lightly.

"Why do you think I went to that wretched island that was controlled by my father, of all people and fake my death with you? Of course, I love you, Lucia Ricci," he said as he was wearing his heart at his sleeves.

"You know my name is Lucy Copper now," I said as I was giggling at him. He smiled at me.

"I know but I think I need to confess to the real person who I fell in love with," he said as he was drawing me closer to his face.

"What should we do now, Mr. Copper?" I asked him as he was smirking at me.

"Well, I haven't been sated for the last few nights because I might get caught but right now, no one will disturb us and I think this will do," he said as I was drawing him closer as well. He was punishing me with his kisses as he plunged his tongue into my mouth. He was tasting me and I moaned at him.

"Well, you are so responsive today,"

"I have been waiting for you to do that," I said before I was straddling his laps. We were on the bed as I just realized that I was naked underneath the duvet and I have been displaying my bosom to him.

"Well, I think we might need clothes after all. It will save money for us," Sean joked before I was tearing his shirt. Buttons were everywhere.

"Then, why are you wearing one?" I asked before I went to fumble with his pants. He let me dragged it as he kicked it away. He pulled me in after I straddled him and he plunged into my second mouth. We both gasped at the contact.

"God, I would do anything to keep your smile on your face, my love," he said as he was moving in and out of me. I can smell the sex in the air. I was panting as I was moving with his rhythm and I was panting. He was eyeing my breasts before he took one in his hand and sucked on my erected nipples.

"God, yes," I shouted as we were thrusting on each other and he was sucking my nipple. I went to play with my clit as it was throbbing and I think my orgasm was near.

"Sean, I'm coming," I said as I was rubbing my clit even more before he swatted my hand and he pressed his calloused finger onto me. I was undone.

"Sean!" I shouted before my body spasmed. Sean was still in and out of my core before my walls clenched around him and he was groaning my name as well.

"Lucy, Lord!" He shouted before his hot semen was spewed inside me. I smiled as I was imagining the small Sean and me running around the house. I think we might renovate our cottage but that was for a later day.

"You are so beautiful, angel," he said as he kissed my shoulder. I giggled.

"Well, I thought I was your love?" I asked him as I was moving on his cock. He groaned before his eyes were dark again.

Dark with desire.

"Well, that too and I think we might be ready for the second round," he said as he was moving slowly in and out of me. I moaned before I was nuzzling his neck.

"You know I am," I said before I kissed him and we were at it again as the bed creak under us.