Eikosiokto [ 28 ]

For the first time in three days, Tristan managed to sleep for the entire night. His breaths were deep and his shoulders weren't so tense. When it was early morning, I gently threaded my fingers through his hair and pressed my lips to his forehead. He was so handsome even while asleep and I found that it was the best time to admire him. 

The deep frown that had seemed to find its home on his face had disappeared and in its place was the softest of smiles. His heart rate accelerated and I could see the first signs of him stirring as his nose twitched. Black eyelashes fluttered and a moment later, his azure eyes were looking into mine. 

Silently, I lightly brushed the tip of my finger down the slope of his nose and cupped the side of his face before leaning down to kiss his forehead again. His heart rate skyrocketed and I smiled into his face. And when I could feel a slight pressure in my mind, I knew that he wanted to know what I was thinking. 

Letting the barrier down, I pulled back and allowed my thoughts to roam. The one at the forefront was how moments like these were my favourite. Where I was in his arms and it was silent between us as I couldn't help but just admire his beauty. It was almost rare for a man to be described as beautiful, but Tristan embodied it in every way, shape and form. 

He had been broken down and made to feel weak yet he rose above it all and became a man of honour, a man who everyone at least respected. His soul was beautiful too. After mating, I felt connected to it like never before and it was like his soul invigorated me. 

His soul was exactly why I couldn't deny my feelings for him. 

His nose pressed against my cheek and he inhaled deeply, not saying anything as his hand gently squeezed my hip. He turned over slightly on his side, pulling my body flush against his as he hugged me tightly. 

I settled my hands around his shoulders, staring at the black blinds that covered the wide windows. His skin smelled manly and musky, a scent that made me delirious and drove me to his arms even in my sleep. 

"Have you got anything planned for today?" I interrupted the silence as I pulled back slowly to lean my head back on the pillow. 

Tristan slid his hand up the curve of my waist under my shirt and cracked a small smile. "I have an international call at eleven, and the pack hunt is late in the evening—it's when I'll officially introduce you as my mate."

A kernel of anxiety burst in my stomach and Tristan instantly noticed the shift within me. Leaning forward slightly, he pressed his lips to my cheek and spoke against my skin. 

"You'll be okay, Kara." He leaned back and settled his warm blue eyes on mine. "You're their Luna already. They all know it." He offered me a comforting smile and caressed my hair lightly before sitting up. Like always, he slept shirtless and I couldn't help but take in his exposed skin as he turned his back to me. He stood to his full height and almost pulled the covers with him until he covered my body with them, a handsome grin slowly pulling at his lips. "Do you need me to carry you out of bed again?"

My face heated up and I dragged the covers over my head, hearing his deep chuckle only moments later. Despite my rapid healing, I could still feel the effects of Tristan's passion. I wanted him so desperately that I didn't even notice the pain, but it was definitely hitting me at that moment. He pried the covers from my grip and replaced them with his hands as he pulled me up.

"I'm sorry if I hurt you, αγάπη." He wrapped my arms around his neck as he hoisted me in the air. "I just can't control myself around you." He nuzzled his nose into my slightly knotty hair. "You make me want to do crazy things to you."

"Five times in less than twenty-four hours is definitely crazy." I rested my forehead against his shoulder and closed my eyes. "But yesterday was the closest I've ever felt to you. The pain is so worth it." 

He was silent for a long moment before speaking softly. "Look at me, Kara." 

I lifted my head from his shoulder and met his tender gaze. He wet his lips with a slow flick of his tongue as a sombre expression crossed his face. "Yesterday meant so much to me—so much. My parents died on the same day one year apart and I never feel as much pain as I do on that day every year. But, you were there." He slowly placed me down on my feet and cupped my face with his hands. "You kept me grounded and I can't express with words how much it means to me...how much you mean to me."

His forehead gently touched mine and I watched as he closed his eyes, a foreign feeling blooming deep in his chest. Staring up at him, I wrapped my arms around his waist to steady myself before waiting for him to open his eyes. "I know how much I mean to you, Tristan." His vulnerability the day before was enough for me to truly understand him. I knew exactly why Brielle had told me he was the most misunderstood out of all the alphas. 

No one could understand the pain he felt until they could feel it for themselves. I knew that was why his pack loved him so much, they knew what suffering he went through and how he worked hard every day to make sure they didn't suffer ever again. I finally understood him because I felt it too. I was the only one able to help him through it, and it was then it dawned on me that I could give him the chance to love and be loved in return.

He had been robbed of the chance his entire life and although the thought of it terrified me to the core, I wanted to be that person. He wanted me to be the one person who didn't care about what people said about him. I didn't care-not anymore.

A lazy grin climbed onto his face and he reached down to link his fingers with mine before pulling me towards the bathroom. We freshened up together and although it never went passed kissing, the intimacy of it all made me cling to him even as we walked down the stairs.

When we made it to the kitchen, freshly showered and dressed for the day, I hesitated as I caught the familiar scent of my mother's cooking. She had baked a loaf of bread that had accents of banana and a store-bought strawberry jam. She had made the most of the ingredients that Tristan had since she cooked eggs benedict with smoked salmon and spices that immediately made my mouth water.

She turned around when she sensed our presence and mustered up a slightly stiff smile. "I thought I'd make breakfast today...as another apology." She didn't say much more and waved to the plates she had set up for us.

"Thank you, Mum." I gave her a genuine smile at the gesture. I knew she still hated Tristan. I could tell by the way she didn't spare him a glance, but I also knew it would be a gradual process and as long as she didn't hurt him, I wouldn't say anything.

Tristan uttered his gratitude and I took a seat next to him as I began to tuck into the delicious food. My mother surprisingly ate with us for ten minutes until she got up and took her plate with her. I could tell that this was hard for her and she probably thought that she was doing Samuel Carew a disservice by eating breakfast with the man who killed him. I held my tongue because I didn't want to start an argument, but I thought it.

He didn't deserve her loyalty, and all I wished for was that my mother would just find her mate. I hoped that she realised she didn't love Carew, not truly.

Reaching for my hand, Tristan squeezed it in a kind gesture of consolation and he lowered his lips to mine briefly, tasting of the sweet strawberry jam he spread on the slice of bread. He didn't have to say anything but his supportive gesture was more than enough. I managed to finish my food at the same time as him and he checked his watch before standing up.

"I need to check in with Maggie and the kids for a bit. She explained why they felt so sad yesterday, but they need to see me and know I'm okay." He tugged me closer by the hand. "Do you want-"

He didn't need to finish his sentence as I nodded immediately. "Of course I want to come." I returned his smile as he quickly cleared the plates away and handed me my coat.

I sensed that my mother was in her room and accessed our familial mindlink. 'We're going out, Mum. Thank you again for breakfast.'

Her voice was quiet and I felt a pang of sadness surge through me. 'You're welcome, Kara.' She wasn't happy here, and I almost felt torn.


"Alpha! Luna!" Arianna squealed in excitement as Maggie pulled open the door, running into Tristan's legs as she wrapped her arms around him tightly. The kids crowded the door and I smiled at Maggie before crouching slightly to look January, the oldest of the quintuplets in the eye.

"Hi, January." I smiled warmly at him and picked up on his shyness as he cast his gaze downwards, hiding behind his hands. He waved adorably as his youngest brother, August, stepped up beside him with a gummy grin. 

"Hi, Luna!" he raised his arms and I took the hint, lifting him up so that I could stand up straight. "Jan is nervous because he thinks you're really pretty." He giggled when January gasped in shock and I peered down at the bright red six-year-old who immediately looked to Tristan as he hid his face completely behind his hands.

Tristan chuckled as he finished greeting Arianna and Lucas, moving to the quintuplets as he gently took January's hands from his face. "I'm not going to be angry with you, Jan. I think she's very pretty too." He lifted the small boy into his arms and gave him his brightest smile.

January slowly returned the smile and turned in Tristan's arms to look at me. "H-hi, Luna."

I could've melted at his cuteness. "Hi, January."

When we had greeted all the children, they finally stepped to the side and let us into the house. Maggie closed the door behind us and smiled in greeting. As one of the only adults in the room, she could sense the change between us and a pleased expression covered her face. 

"Thank you for coming, Alpha. Luna." She took my hands in hers warmly. "I just want to say again that it's an honour to call you by your correct title."

I squeezed her hands in response before January peered at Tristan with concern swimming in his eyes. "Are you happy today, Alpha?"

Watching him closely, he sighed with a smile on his face. "I am." He walked over to the sofa and managed to hold all six kids in his arms. His hand brushed over April's hair on his right and he looked down at June on his left. "I know yesterday was a really sad day. I'm sorry you had to feel my emotions. But, I'm okay now."

April looked over January's shoulder. "Promise?"

He nodded seriously, smiling at them all. "I promise."

I could barely see his face when all the kids surged forward, hugging him as best as their position allowed. He grunted out a laugh and I exchanged a soft smile with Maggie who was watching the sight with gentle eyes. I felt the surge in happiness within him and something burned within me to make sure he always looked like that.

"Maggie! Luna!" Lucas lifted his head from Arianna's shoulder. "Get over here!"

I laughed, stepping forward and walking behind the sofa to wrap my arms around just about all of them. I leaned down and pressed my lips to the back of Tristan's head, breathing in the scent of his hair product. He craned his head back and although I wanted to kiss him so badly, I settled for a forehead kiss and closed my eyes. 

When the hug turned slightly uncomfortable, the children climbed off Tristan and I managed to take a seat on the sofa beside him. All of them raced upstairs to get their new drawings and while the opportunity presented itself, Tristan curled a hand around the nape of my neck. He pulled me closer and despite Maggie still being in the room, he kissed me slowly.

The sound of hurried footfalls made us pull apart and Tristan smiled at me, caressing my neck with his thumb. "Thank you for coming with me, αγάπη."

I squeezed his thigh momentarily and when the kids came back downstairs, we spent the next hour together. And when we left, I could tell that Tristan was truly happy again. The dull ache in his chest had disappeared and I acknowledged that he only allowed himself one day to grieve and would resume his alpha duties the next day.

As we walked in the snow, I tugged on his hand to capture his full attention. I didn't want him to carry the weight of leadership solely on his shoulders. It was mine to bear as well, and I knew what I had to do.

"Can we start training again?"