Sarantaenia [ 49 ]

I felt like I could finally breathe again.

As Tristan unlocked the front door, I was overcome by happiness and wrapped my arms around his waist from behind. I stepped onto my tiptoes and he tilted his head slightly to reveal a small smile. I could tell he was still angry with Mindy for her erratic behaviour but I took his mind off it as I finally felt optimistic about life again.

His hand covered mine as we stepped into the house and I tightened my arms around him, relishing his warmth. "Come on, Tristan." I murmured against his shoulder. "It's over. We can move on now."

He turned in my arms and his azure eyes settled on mine. He sighed as he brought a hand to caress my hair. "You're right. I'm sorry, αγάπη μου." The smile began to pull at his lips. "If you feel up to coming with me, I'm going to go to the quintuplets' birthday party."

I grinned and took a step closer towards him. "I love birthday parties." We were face-to-chest and I craned my head back to look at him properly. "I want to change out of these clothes though."

He couldn't resist laying a soft kiss on my lips. I turned and climbed the stairs as he followed behind me. I glanced over my shoulder to see him checking me out. He raised his hand and I laughed before spinning around and gripping his wrist.

He smiled. "Kara." His fingers danced across the small of my back and I knew I had to put some distance between us when he got that look in his eye.

I let go of his wrist and smiled weakly. "Behave yourself, Tristan." I walked into the wardrobe and looked for another outfit. He followed close behind me and tugged his shirt over his head.

The cells had a distinctive scent that stuck to our clothes so changing was definitely a good move. I looked around the wardrobe and for the first time ever, it dawned on me just how many clothes Tristan had bought me upon my first arrival in Greenland. I briefly wondered where he got all of his money from and made a small mental note to ask him later.

I didn't think he had a conventional job because I didn't have one either back in London. Ramiel paid my mother and me generously to tend to the pack's land and grow more than just flowers. We grew whatever fruits and vegetables were in season.

It was a job that had been replaced by my title as Luna. Of course, I had time for a job but it had slipped my mind with everything that was going on. And another reason was I never had to use my own money and savings because Tristan took care of everything.

As I turned around to ask him, he was closer than I expected him to be and I gasped as he pulled me flush against his chest.

He was silent as he wrapped his arms around me and lowered his head to suck gently on my earlobe. He was aware of all my weak spots since he had taken the time to find them all. That meant he could have me in the palm of his hands within seconds.

If how touchy-feely he suddenly was again told me anything, it was that a month without sex was finally getting to him. He desired me with every fibre of his being. My head rested against the shelf and I sighed as he encompassed me with his warmth.

I revelled in his kisses against my neck until I felt his hands slide under my shirt to touch my skin. I tensed and quickly gripped his hands in mine to get them off my waist, which was dangerously close to my scars.

His lips stilled against my neck and he pulled back slowly. I stared at his shoulder instead of his face but I could tell he was frowning from the tone of his voice. "Are you in pain?"

I reluctantly shook my head.

"Then why won't you let me touch you? What's going on with you, Kara?"

My eyes drifted towards his neck where my mark gleamed against his skin and I sighed softly. I had no idea how to tell my mate that because I wasn't comfortable with my own body, I couldn't be comfortable with him.

He waited for a long moment before he spoke again. "Don't hide things from me. That's not what we do, αγάπη."

I winced slightly and licked my lips. "I don't know how to tell you and I think it's going to hurt your feelings."

"My feelings are already hurt, Kara." There was a dull ache in his chest and it drew my gaze to his. I couldn't take the eye contact for more than two seconds. "Tell me."

He was suddenly too close and I backed myself up against the jackets. "I don't want you to see my body because I don't feel beautiful ever since Mindy stabbed me. You're not going to want me as much when you see me."

"What the hell?" the sound of his deep voice bordered on a growl and it was tinged with anger. I didn't know what part of my response angered him, maybe the last part or all of it. "Look at me."

I couldn't.

"Look at me." He growled, gripping my chin and forcing my gaze to his. He seemed hurt and angry at the same time. "What did I tell you about thinking I don't want you?"

I held my breath and squirmed slightly under his fiery blue gaze. "Tristan..." I gasped when his fingers tightened, not enough to hurt but just enough to let me know he was serious.

"I said don't you ever dare think I don't want you. I proved how much I want you, didn't I?" his dark eyebrows lowered in frustration. "I proved it five times that day, Kara. I could barely keep my hands off you. That hasn't changed at all."

My hands flattened against his bare chest and he stared at me intensely. I couldn't think of anything to say.

"Are you forgetting I've seen it all? I've already seen the scars. I've noticed that you've lost weight because you haven't had much of an appetite this past month and the only thing I don't want is you to carry on feeling like you're not beautiful or that I don't want you."

His words were like bullets, shooting down every insecurity I had.

He dug his fingers into my curls as if he wanted to drill the next point deep into my mind. "You're still as beautiful as the moment I first saw you. You've been through hell this past month and if anything, your strength has made me love you even more—made me want you even more."

I stared into his eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck. His gaze dropped to my lips before he kissed me passionately. He gripped my hair tightly and pulled back abruptly. I gasped and he threw me over his shoulder.

He strode out of the wardrobe and placed me on my feet in front of him. He took a seat on the foot of our bed. His voice was softer but it was still a command. "Take off your clothes, αγάπημου."

I stared at him unmoving until he repeated himself.

"Do you trust me?"

I nodded without hesitation and mustered up the courage to pull my shirt off. My hands shook but Tristan encouraged me with his lustful gaze. When I stood in front of him, I felt like I couldn't breathe until he held out a hand to me.

"I'll always want you, Kara." We climbed onto the bed.

He leaned back on his knees and I had to resist the urge to cover myself. His fingers danced across the dip of my abdomen and he lowered his head to gently kiss where his fingers had traced. "You're a warrior, Kara. These are a symbol of your strength."

I reached out to link our fingers together and he squeezed my hand.

"You're my warrior and you're going to be the mother of my children."

My love for him exploded in my chest and I slowly sat up to hug him tightly. I felt pure happiness when I was with him. I tilted my head back and he stared down at me.

He cupped my face in his hands and the tip of his nose pressed against mine. "You want me—I trust you."

He lost all the anger he had before and laid me down again gently, proceeding to show me exactly how much.


"I love you, Tristan," I uttered softly against his lips after it all.

He exuded sheer masculinity and I revelled in his embrace. He stripped my mind of every little insecurity and replaced it with the thought of only him.

He turned us so he was on his back and continued to kiss me deeply. I dug my fingers into his hair and breathed him in like he was oxygen. We pulled back for the real thing and it was silent between us save for our harsh breaths. Our gazes never wavered from each other for what seemed like minutes and Tristan broke the silence.

"I missed this."

I rested my forehead on his with a sigh. "I missed this too."

We lingered there in each other's arms until we remembered we had somewhere to be. We quickly freshened up and pulled on some new clothes.

I was almost going to change the sheets when Tristan came back into the room. He was holding five wrapped presents and placed them down to pull me away from the bed.

"Leave it like this. We don't have time." He smiled softly. 

And with that, we left for the quintuplets' birthday party.


The party was in full swing by the time we finally got there and I instantly knew that everyone felt Mindy's exile. There was a jovial ambience that had the slightest bit of tension at the surface but it went away as soon as we stepped through the doors and everyone noticed our presence. January was the first to scream my name.

"Luna!" he ran over to me with a wide grin. He hadn't seen me in a very long time, not much of the pack had and his excitement was clear to see when he hugged me tightly.

I crouched down and hugged him back with a laugh. The rest of the quintuplets, April, May, June and August ran over to us and made it into a group hug.

"This is the best birthday present ever!" April exclaimed and they all pulled back to look at me.

"Happy birthday!" I spoke to all of them as Tristan brought their attention to the presents he was holding in his arms.

"Sorry, I know we're late guys. I forgot to wrap your presents." Tristan had a charming grin on his face and although the adults could pick up on the real reason we were late, the children were oblivious to it all.

I stood up and they squealed in excitement. Tristan was next to be hugged. As that happened, Maggie, the quintuplets' honorary mother, stepped towards me and pulled me into a warm hug.

"It's great to see you again, Luna." She smiled warmly when she pulled back. "We all missed you very much."

I hugged her again and spoke honestly. Ever since the link formed between me and the pack, I had a fierce sense of love for them. When I had been stabbed, my tether to them kept me alive just as much as my tether to Tristan did. I finally belonged somewhere again and I was optimistic about my future as the Luna of the pack.

"I missed you guys too."