School Guidance

Loraine opened the door and saw Ji Yuan and James who are talking about the five Princes, she doesn't know why but her intuition tells her that the dog mentioned by Ji Yuan is one of the five Princes.

"Ji Yuan, is the dog you mentioned is one of the five Princes?" Loraine said as she sat down next to him.

"Yes." Ji Yuan said coldly.

Loraine can really feel that Ji Yuan changed a lot.

"Why are you being like this? Is it because I didn't gave you a proper answer back then?" Loraine said tearfully while holding his arm.

Ji Yuan felt odd, because according to his memories this was the woman who made the previous Ji Yuan cried when she did not accept his love. He cant still adapt as a human let alone seeing the woman who made the previous Ji Yuan cried like a dog who lost his owner..

"No, it has been around several months so we need to forget the past and instead focus to the present." Ji Yuan said coldly without looking at her while trying to activate the Eternal Supreme God Technique.

James, who's watching them argue decided to leave since he would only feel more uncomfortable being left out.


In the school clinic, a nurse in her 20's with a hot body and pretty face can be seen cleaning the injuries of the passed out student.

"This is the most bloody fights I've ever seen, after all most fights will only end up bruises and ruptured lips or eyebrow. However this one is truly gory, even his nose is no longer considered long and straight anymore since it seem like being tilted after getting hit." Veronica Lin said while cleaning the passed out youth.

Three students entered the school clinic wearing jerseys, they saw their fellow prince still passed out.

"Is he okay?" One of the prince with glasses asked the nurse while trying not to look at her body.

"Yes, anyway who made this guy passed out?" Veronica said as she turned his attention to the student wearing glasses.

"His name is Ji Yuan." One of the prince with a mole below his eyes said while trying to capture her attention.

Suddenly a running foot steps can be heard in the hall, a student with a blond hair entered the clinic breathing heavky as he said,

"I already told the school guidance about what happened. I also met James before reaching here and told him to call Ji Yuan to go to school guidance."

"Fine, lets go. Miss Veronica, I'll leave John to your care. Thank you" The student wearing a glasses said and immediately left with others.


Ji Yuan and Loraine who are still arguing up until now heard a shout,

"Ji Yuan! We need to go to school guidance. They already told the teachers what you did." James looked worried to his friend, he did not want to see his friend being expelled because it was only him who protected him from being bullied since high school.

Ji Yuan immediately got up, and fix himself to look presentable. From what he analyzed while talking to Loraine, humans tended to see more about appearance rather than their nature.

"Lets go, dont worry I got this." Ji Yuan said no longer cold, while trying to smile but instead it looks like a dog still struggling to survive.

Loraine saw that Ji Yuan ignored her again so she voiced out,

"I want to go too."

Ji Yuan looked at her as he coldly replied,

"Suit yourself."

They are currently walking in the hall, since it's already lunch time so there are many students in the hall right now. Those who saw Ji Yuan's fight earlier immediately started to point their fingers at him telling how cruel he is and so-so.

"Is this how human acts? In my previous life it's already quite rare to see a human in demon realm. This is also the reason why we dont know much more about them aside from their greed, and on the other hand Humans also dont know much more about us aside from being seen as who brings destruction and disaster everywhere." Ji Yuan said to his heart while chuckling looking at the humans around him.

Ji Yuan and the others finally reached the school guidance after walking for five ten minutes, as Ji Yuan opened the door he saw a bald man who is sitting in the chair and also the four princes who are currently standing.

"Are you Ji Yuan?" The bald man said while looking at Ji Yuan upside down with a greed in his eyes.

"Yes." Ji Yuan coldly said as he saw the greed in his eyes while looking at the other four prince trying to find the person who offered the guidance councellor. He just also find out that the student wearing glasses has a disease which is aids, he can use him in his plans later since he can cure him anyway.

"I'm sure you know what you did Ji Yuan. As a student in Manhattan University you should have already knowm manners! But what you have done is simply barbaric, so because of that I will give you one week absences! If you want to talk more about this then bring your parents." Winston Smith said angrily while laughing in his heart as he look at the youth in front of him, even though he is a guidance councellor his savings are simply too low so he decided to use his power just to get five hundred thousand dollars.

"Is that so?" Ji Yuan stared coldly and a murderous aura filled the office, everyone felt so cold including Loraine and James.

"Y-yes it's your fault! You're in fact very lucky that you will not be expelled." One of the prince with a mole under his eyes said as he stuttered while thinking why Ji Yuan's eyes are so scary.

James and Loraine tried to argue back, but the councellor Winston did not give them a chance but Ji Yuan spoke.

"Wait a moment, I'll have something to talk about this guy wearing a glasses."

Ji Yuan walked to the student wearing glasses, and murmured to his ear,

"Do you want to cure your disease? Do you want to heal? Do you want it?"

The student wearing glasses who was scared thinking that he'll beat him up was startled. He knew he has disease but he didn't expect for Ji Yuan to know about it, even though he doesn't believe he can cure him but he still wants to since he has been longing to touch women again so replied,


"Then you need to make sure I wont have any absences in my attendance or else I wont cure you but tell everyone about your disease.

The student wearing glasses looked at Ji Yuan's smiling eyes, then straighten himself and walk in front of the councellor Smith.

"Ji Yuan did not do anything, John started it all since he threw a fist first and Ji Yuan just fought back instead." He said to Mr. Smith while no longer caring anything aside from being cured.

Loraine, James, Winston and the three Princes was astonised thinking what Ji Yuan said to change his mind.

"B-but the offe--" Councellor Winston was interrupted by the student wearing the glasses, he was pissed off just because he is the heir of Baston family with a networth of nearly a billion dollars.

"Dont worry I will still pay you." The student wearing the glasses said softly making only the councellor hear it. What he did not know is that even though Ji Yuan is currently a mortal without a cultvation, he can still hear it since his soul is a demon not a human.

"Fine. Okay all of you leave, Ji Yuan you should not forget your manners next time so i'll give you a chance this time.." Councellor Winston said while thinking happily that he can still receive money.

As they got out from the school guidance, the student wearing glasses immediately approached Ji Yuan.

"Ji Yuan, if you still dont know my name then it's Vince Baston." Vince said as if he didn't do anything wrong.

Ji Yuan chuckled as he saw his smiling face, and said,

"How much money you can pay right now?"

"I can give you five million dollars as long as you can cure me." Vince said thinking just how cheap this man is.

"Then send me 30 million dollars since your disease isn't also just aids but hiv. Dont visit me if you cant pay, just remember there's no one who can help you aside me." Ji Yuan chuckled leaving Vince and go back to their classroom with James and Lorraine.

"Bastard!" Vince cursed thinking whether he should send someone to force him but shook his head.

A prince with a mole below his eyes approach Vince who was talking to Ji Yuan.

"W-why did you change your mind? Wouldn't John get mad because of this?" Anderson Yu asked worriedly wondering why he change his mind.

"Dont worry I have a plan." Vince said as he look at Anderson while thinking he should control this person. His parents are business men so even though he isn't as good as them he has an instinct that can distinguished if the person is extraordinary or not and his instinct is telling him that Ji Yuan is extraordinary so he decided to gamble once whether he's worthy enough to be his friend even though Ji Yuan's family is average, and if he is extraordinary then he will control Anderson for him.