Over The Garden Wall

Rock, Stick, and Smoke walked up to Sun after the chief left and the retainers. Sun's actions baffled them, and they wanted answers. "Why did you say that to the chief? You know full well that we can't hunt those wolves at our current state?" Smoke told Sun profusely. "You just woke from your long sleep, and Rock is still recovering from his injuries."

"Did you not hear what the chief said! He was going to kill the slaves and use their remains to feed us. Our mothers are slaves, Smoke. I had to do it to keep our mothers safe. What else could I do?"

"Anything but hunt the wolves! We could've just escaped with them,"

"And where will you go? We barely know the outside world, and most of them could barely walk. This is the only way."

Smoke knows escaping is futile with the weather, but hunting those wolves pose an equally impossible task. But Sun did so much for them. He taught them how to fight, to read, and to learn to appreciate their mothers and the life they gave them. He took a deep breath and asked Sun, "What's the plan then?"


"Yes," Stick answered.

"Do you still have those stinkbombs."

"Yeah, I do."

"Give us one of each, and you will take the rest. You will stay here and keep our mothers safe. Use your portion of the stinkbombs in any way you see fit, as long as they are safe."

"Wait, what about you guys? Don't tell me you guys are going to hunt without me?"

"I need someone to stay here to protect in case the chief doesn't stand by his words. I need you here."

Stick found it difficult to answer, but he agreed regardless. "Ok, I'll stay here."

"And how will Stick protect slaves?" Flute walked up to the brothers. "Also, who gave stinkbomb? Cloud give that?"

"No," Stick and Sun answered.

"Yes," Rock replied by mistake. The brothers looked at Rock with an infuriated expression. "Did I say something I shouldn't have?"

Flute laughed it off and told the brothers not to worry. She was willing to help the brothers protect their mothers and the other slaves. No one likes to eat them, not because of the taste but because it felt wrong. This surprised Sun since he witnessed Rock and Smoke kill and essentially ate some flesh of their mother during their rage-inducing hunger not so long ago. However, both of them feel guilty for it, which meant the act of eating slaves could be considered taboo. Though not as severely looked down upon, especially now.

Sun yelled out to the crowd hoping to garner support for their hunt, knowing they hate to eat the slaves. Sadly, no one replied to the call. The tribe's fear of dying between the wolves' teeth were far greater than their disgust of human flesh.

The brothers climbed up the hill to gather supplies. Salacity and his followers were also there preparing for their knives. Salacity saw the four of them and called out to them. "Halflings, come here! Take this." He handed Sun a red buckler shield. "Sum kill wolf with shield. Sum use shield keep open wolf's mouth, then jabbed spear inside. Use it."

Sun couldn't believe what is happening, Salacity is helping them. "Thank you. I won't fail."

Sun walked back to his brothers. Rock was busy brushing off snow from his short, black hair. Sun realized his hair has grown so long that it could distract him during the hunt. He took out a stone knife and cut hair. Though not as short as Rock's, it was a much bearable style.

The brothers left and made their way back to the slave quarters. Flute was there preparing to barricade the front door. Sun contemplated Flute's willingness to help them. There wasn't any benefit. If anything, she risks losing her status and even her head. One of the caretakers noticed us coming. "Childs, you back."

"We are not children anymore, Pin," Stick said.

"Ok, ok. Pin, remember you so small when Pin carries you little Stick." Pin patted Stick's head. He swatted her hand away.

"Pin Shut up. No one wants to hear that!"

"Ok. Anyway, we keep woman safe. But chief scary, come back quick, ok." Pin giggled.

"Don't worry; I'm staying here. If the chief does anything, I'll make sure no one gets hurt." Stick said with his chest held high.

"Ok big boy."

Sun and Smoke felt slightly uncomfortable during their flirtatious conversation. Maybe it was because Pin was Stick's caretaker when he was a baby? Or maybe it was because the two don't realize they are flirting? Meanwhile, Rock couldn't help but remember Dawn during their conversation.

Pin looked at the rest of the brothers and asked, "So you want say hi to slaves moms?" She wraps her arm around Stick's neck, rubbing his brown hair.

"Actually, we're just about to leave. We'll see you guys later, once we take down those wolves." Sun took Smoke and Rock's arm and pulled them away. Pin and Stick waved goodbye.

As they walk, Sun discussed the plan against the wolves. "Once the wolves get close and open its mouth to attack us, we throw the bomb right on their throat."

"And what if we miss," Rock asked.

"Then, we thrust our spear down its throat. I just hope they don't eat our spears whole." Smoke said, raising his spear. The brothers forced out a laugh to ease the tension. The atmosphere returned to silence, with only the sound of snow getting stepped filling the silent void.

At the wall, most of the tribe were there to witness the brothers leave for the hunt. The goblins gossiped with each other as the brothers walk past them. Some of them looked at them with hopefulness, while others look at them with pity. But they all had one thing in common; they were hungry.

The chief, Cala, stands on top of the tower staring down at the brothers. To his left was Cloud, he wanted to yell at them and cheer for them, but that would defy Cala. All he could do was to pray silently for their safe return. To his right was a goblin woman. She waved at the brothers with a sad look on her face. Rock beats his chest while looking at the woman.

Shuja jumps out of the crowd right before the brothers reached the gate. She wanted to tell them good luck, but the words did not find itself out. Sun turned around to look at the crowd one last time before entering the forest. He noticed Shuja stand there. He waved at her, and she waved back. She ran back in the crowd, and Sun went on his way. He doesn't know why her name is Shuja, but he remembers why his name was Shuja from his previous life. The words from his mother echoed in his head. "Shuja, it means bravery. And you are my brave little one." Her mother once said to him.

The three brothers entered the forest. The grew darker as the clouds gather. Rock asks, "So, how are we going to find those wolves?"

"We're going back to the place we met one and looked for the tree that has the red cross." Sun leads the hunting party. They don't know if they'll kill those wolves, but they do know that there is no turning back.