Sun Eater

Sun turned around and saw a large Timber Wolf charging to them. Sun leaped out of the way and rolled on his knee. The wolf continued running to the corpses of its fellow wolves. It stopped right next to the bodies. Its eyes, filled with anger and sadness, glared at Sun. The two's eyes met, and a connection sparked between them. The foul stench of rot and decay permeated from the wolf. The scar on Sun's chest burned when looking at the wolf and its jaw. It was the same wolf that attacked them days ago.

Sun took out his buckle and spear and armed himself. Meanwhile, Rock and Smoke hid on the other side of the pile of bodies. Both of them readied out their knives and climbed up the pile. The wolf snarled at Sun, and its body began to gear up. It was ready to attack him.

While staring at its target, Rock and Smoke managed to get up and took the wolf by surprise. They jumped on its back, and with stone knives on their hands, they started stabbing the wolf on his hind legs. The wolf spun around.

The wolf turned to his butt to attack the brothers clinging behind it. Smoke lets go, and he flew and rolled towards a shrubbery. Rock was stubborn and would not let go. Sun shouted at him, "Let go, Rock! You're going to get yourself killed!"

The wolf turned to the other side to bite Rock. Sun ran closer to the wolf and threw his spear at the wolf, hitting it on the paw. The wolf jumped from the pain. The sudden jump caused Rock to hit his head on the wolf's pelvis, knocking him out. "Oh shit! Rock!" Sun yelled.

The wolf bit the spear off his paw and threw it to the side then looked at Sun. The wolf charges towards him with its eyes filled with killing intent. Sun ran back to his bag and pulled out his club. He raised his buckle in front of him, and he braised for impact.

The wolf bit on the buckle and shoved Sun to the ground. The snow softened the blow for Sun. The wolf held the buckle in its mouth and started to shake violently. Sun was dragged back and forth, his body flailing like a doll. Sun had to hold on to the buckle with two hands or risk losing his only means to defend himself. A cloud of snow rose from the wolf's violent thrashing.

The wolf raised its head with the buckle still in its mouth. Sun was up in the air, keeping tightening his grip. Then the wolf swung its head, smashing Sun to the ground. The pain from the impact released Sun's grip on his buckle. The wolf threw the old shield off to the side.

Sun got on his four and crawled to his bag. The wolf followed him, seemingly enjoying the scene of the goblin panic and struggle. The scene reminded the wolf about another goblin it killed the same day it encountered Sun and his brothers. That goblin was Lite.

The wolf found Lite amusing as he desperately calls for his friends to help him. But none came to help. The wolves were told to find as many goblins as possible and torture and kill them, just like what they did to one of their masters. And the wolf did as they were told to do.

But the wolf's enjoyment disappeared. Sun did not cry out for help, nor was he in despair. The wolf thought the goblin was stronger and braver than it initially believed. The wolf looked at its two fallen brethren. They were not weak, and it takes more than three goblins to kill them. Then the wolf came to a realization. The goblins' weapons caused the foul stench stuck to its fur. The wolf looked back at its prey only to see a small bomb growing larger and larger, until exploding between the eyes.

The disgusting smell came back, and it closed its eyes to shield itself from the debris and liquid. Sun took out a club from the bag and swung it at the wolf, but it managed to dodge the attack. The wolf retaliated by slamming its head against Sun, launching him up in the air.

Sun landed on the snowy ground. His right arm was in pain after receiving a headbutt. The wolf rubbed its eyes while Sun remains motionless on the ground. After a few seconds of groaning, Sun gets back up on his feet. Next to him was his club and spear. He grabbed the club with his left hand and the spear on his right hand, took a deep breathe, and said to himself, "You got this Sun. Your brothers' life depends on you."

He charged at the distracted wolf. The wolf's keen hearing heard Sun's footsteps, and it immediately rushed towards him. With its jaws wide open, Sun pointed the spear in front of him and aimed it at the wolf.

However, the wolf learned its lesson. It opened its eyes and saw the end of the spear facing him. The wolf shifted his balance to side, dodging the spear. Now the spear was parallel with the wolf's head.

The wolf tilted its head and bit the spear in half. Both the wolf and Sun turned around after passing each other. Sun threw the broken spear, held his club with both hands, and entered a guarding stance. Once again, both parties charged at one another. The wolf opened its jaw, ready to bite down on Sun's shoulder. But Sun learned his lesson.

Right before closes its mouth to take a bite of Sun's shoulder, Sun got down to his knee. The wolf missed its target. Underneath the wolf, Sun smashed his club on the wolf's front legs. The wolf tripped and rolled over.

The wolf got back up its feet as quickly as it tripped over. Its left leg was bleeding, but that did not stop the wolf from attacking Sun for the third time. Sun turned around while on one knee. He saw the wolf charging towards him. He raised his club only to notice it has broken in half.

The wolf got excited when it saw Sun's weapon broken beyond repair. Sun felt the wolf's bloodlust. But just as the wolf opened its mouth, a flying disk crashed into its jaws. It was Sun's buckle; he turned around and saw Rock. But it wasn't Rock.

The goblin man was as musclier as Rock but slightly shorter than him. It had on its hand the other half of Sun's spear. He wears a pointy helmet with a brim around it and a red bushy tail on the top. Besides him was a goblin woman that looked awfully familiar.

The goblin man charged at the wolf. On his waist was a club. He took and threw it at the wolf. The wolf was busy spitting out the buckle to notice the club flying towards it. The club landed on the wolf's left eye.

"Get down!" The goblin yelled at Sun. He ducked down as the goblin leaped over him.

The wolf howled from the pain coming from its left eye. Despite its blindness, it could still hear. Its ears scanned for any noise, but it could not hear any footsteps. It stood still trying to figure out where the attack was possibly coming from.

Suddenly, the spear penetrated the wolf's skull. The goblin managed to land right on top of the wolf's head. The wolf fell to the ground, its lifeless body laid on the snowy ground. Its red blood poured out on the snow, forming a pool around the wolf.

The goblin woman ran up to Sun and asked, "You ok, Sun?"

"Yeah, I am fine." Sun looked at the male goblin standing in front of him. "Whose that?"

"That Sum."

Sun collapse on the ground. He rested for a while. He recalled the rumors he heard and thought that Sum would be bigger than Tama.