Author's Thought

Why write a story about goblins? Well, goblins are a very complex and diverse group of mythical creatures. They ranged from simple house elves to blood soaking cap-wearing monstrosity. They provide a unique, but easily manipulated set of personalities and lore, although there are common traits found in many goblin stories, such as mischievous and greedy. They provide the right balance between good and evil.

And because of this balance, there are many stories that feature goblins as the main factor in their stories. I've read many of them, and they inspired me to write my novel about goblins.

And here are some of my suggestions.

D&D comic titled Goblins-Life Through Their Eyes. This was my first goblin related fiction I read since, as a kid, I gravitated to comic books.

There are also fairy tales/folklores featuring goblins I borrow elements from. Here is a list:

-The Goblins at the Bathhouse

-The Goblins Turned to Stone


-The Tell-Tale Goblin

There are also novels about goblins that I have read over the years. Here is a list for that as well:

-The Goblin Emperor

-The Princess and the Goblins

-Goblin Stories

I want to say the biggest thanks to all of you who supported me and my novel. And I hope to continue writing this story for years to come.