Olhos' Declaration

Olhos woke up in a small room surrounded by the warm embrace of candle lights on top of a short drawer, and a sweet honey aroma filled the room. Olhos was on a soft bed blanketed with a leather cover. He reached over his shoulder and touched the area the wolf-beast bit on. Linens wrapped around from his shoulder and through his underarm, covering the wound.

He got up and leaned against the wall and stared at the crooked wooden door in front of him. Olhos looked down the cover and noticed he was naked. And more importantly, his skin was red. He desperately looks around the room for his clothes. He got and checked under the bed and then drawer, but they were not there.

Then he heard footsteps on the other side of the door. Olhos grabbed the blanket and wrapped himself with it, hiding his vulnerable body. A young woman opened the door. The goblin was carrying a bucket of water and a ladle. She nearly dropped them when she saw Olhos standing beside the bed. "Oh, you scare Gever." She told him.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to." Olhos sat back on the bed, "My name is Olhos."

"Me know. Sum tell Gever and brother."

"Sum? Is he ok?"

"Yup." Gever placed the bucket next to the bed and took out a towel from the drawer. "Now, take blanket off. Gever wash Olhos."

Olhos removed his cover and let Gever wash him. Gever's hands were soft and gentle and she smells as sweet, if not sweeter, than the aroma of the room. Olhos could not contain his excitement and his manhood revealed itself to Gever. She was surprised when the hard rod poked hey chest while she washing the skin around Olhos' wounds.

She looked away from the Olhos and his excited body. "Do need Gever to?"

"No, its fine. You don't need to, really!" Olhos covered his crotch. "I'm sorry, it just, you know."

"Is ok, um, Gever give time alone. Gever come back get dinner for Olhos." Gever ran out of the room, forgetting to bring back the bucket. Olhos rolled over his bed, crying from embarrassment. This never happened to him before. It was the first time a woman made him feel such intense desires.

Sum entered the room, bringing with him clothes for Olhos to wear. "Sum!" Olhos got up and embraced him. "Thank the heavens, you're ok!"

"And I hope you're not excited to see me in that way."

"What?" Olhos looked down and forgot that his membrane was still hard. "Sorry! I didn't realize it."

Olhos pushed himself off Sum and took the clothes, putting them on as fast as possible. "Careful Olhos. You're far larger than you were before, so they're going to feel tight."

"Don't worry. I got it." Olhos put on his pants and buttoned his jacket. "There, all done. By the way, where are we?"

"Zackons tribe."

"How did you find the way here?"

"Easy, I just headed in the opposite direction from the crater while following the river upstream. After several hours I met some Zackons hunting, and they helped me carry you back to their tribe. It's a good thing they found me because my body was ready to give in after carrying for hours."

"You carried me!" Olhos was shocked.

"Well, more like pull, but you know." Sum blew the candle out. "Now, let's get out of this dreary room and to the dining hall. You must be hungry after sleeping for three weeks. They're serving fish there."

"The three weeks!" Olhos looked at his body. He was thin, but he didn't feel weak from malnourishment and he didn't feel hungry at all. Maybe he was still distracted by Gever's captivating scent?

The two left the room and exited the small cottage Olhos was staying in. The snow was shoveled neatly away, creating a clear path for the goblins to move through. Olhos could smell the many fragrances scattered in the air. He could smell the fish drying above fire pits, beef being smoked across the town, and the many fruits and herbs the Zackons use to wash their bodies and clothes.

And his ears and eyes were far better than when he was a green goblin. Olhos could not believe that this red body and its strength belonged to him. Olhos followed Sum, watching his back and imagining the pain he must have endured to get Olhos to safety. And yet, his efforts were not rewarded with this body. Olhos could not help but feel inadequate.

"Olhos," Sum called out to him, "I almost forgot to say this. Thank you for saving me back there."

The burden on Olhos' shoulders felt lighter after hearing those words. But it still didn't change the fact that he received something he shouldn't have. He was nothing like Sun when he defeated the troll. Sun stood tall and firm on the body of his enemy while he fell to snow unconscious. Olhos did not feel like he conquered anything.

"We're here," Sum showed Olhos the large building where the tribe would eat during the harsh winter months. They entered a room that exploded in an uproar. Several groups of goblins yelled at each other and even at the Chief, a large red goblin sitting on a grandiose chair decorated with various animal skulls. Seating besides the Chief was Gever. Olhos waved at her, and she waved back but quickly looked away, hiding her blushing face.

The Chief got up from his chair and yelled at the crowd to shut their mouths. "Our guest has arrived!" He announced to them. "Gever, get them their chairs!"

"Yes, brother." The two goblins got up and grabbed two chairs, and placed them near the Chief.

Sum and Olhos sat across the table facing the Chief. "My name is Horder. And Gever is my sister."

"Nice to meet you," Olhos told him.

"I need your help. We all need your help."

"Excuse me?"

"You are a red conqueror like I am, are you not?" Horder pointed at the empty table, "Look around you. We have nothing, and do you know why?"


"No, you weren't supposed to answer. It was just. Ah, nevermind." Horder sighed, "I'll just tell you. Ever since you came here, a monster began attacking our supplies. First, it ate our food, then it ate our food again, and finally, all of our food was eaten. It just kept attacking and eating our food!"

"I've been trying to help them with their monster problem since the monster is probably the same that attacked us. And we might be ones responsible for bringing it here." Sum mentioned. "And I was right. When I joined the guards on the second night of the attack, the monster was for sure a wolf-like monster we fought before. Even if it was dark, I could see the wolf features clearly under the moonlight. And if that wasn't enough evidence, the howling,"

"Howling!" Horder interrupted, "The dreadful howls of that monster brought back the trauma I experienced when I became a conqueror. If it was anything but a wolf, I could go out there myself, but I can't." Horder got on his knees, much to the surprise of the other goblins. Only Gever was unamused by his plea. "Please, I need your help. Even if you weren't the ones that brought it here, I don't care. I just can't fight it alone!"

Olhos was caught off guard by Horder's humility. A great contrast compared to Cala's vain and high personality. But when it came to accepting his request, it was no problem. In fact, Olhos desired an outcome such as this that can validate his transformation as a conqueror by bringing down a monster, and even better, the same monster that gave him this blessing.

"I'll help you." Olhos jumped on the table. "I'll kill this beast and hang it on the halls to warn his kind that this tribe is not to be messed with!"