The King's Assault

Cooke shot down the enemy goblins that tried to stop him from getting on top of the walls. Bodies fell to the floor as Cooke made his way to a higher vantage point. And once he had a clear view of the sky, he fired multiple rounds in Stick's direction.

Hellfire flew to Stick. The blue light wheezed past Stick as he flew across the river. His sickle, glowing bright blue, sliced the bullets in half as they come. The sickle's dazzling light distracted most of the warriors and slaves fighting on the wall.

Stick landed in front of Cooke. He pulled the trigger, releasing another round of hell towards Stick, but none of them landed. Stick was faster, more agile, and determined to get past the red pawn shooting mindlessly at him. He leaped forward with his sickles rotating around him. Like a chainsaw, it sliced and chopped the round bullets until he reached Cooke's neck. Cooke's head was sliced off in a blink of an eye.

Then Stick swing through the buildings until he found the Maston Platoon already preparing to use their sleeping gas on the slaves. They've fought with the slaves beneath the city and knew how to deal with them. They gave some of the sleeping gas to Stick, and he hurried back to Elena and her goblins. Once he arrived, he threw the sleeping gas containers at the advancing swarm. The bombs exploded, releasing the toxin into the air. Stick used his sickle to fan the gas clouds to the slave army, spreading it far and wide while keeping it away from his allies.

The slaves fell asleep, and so did their masters that whipped them to march forward to sacrifice their lives for the city that buried them. Elena and her hunters threw themselves onto Stick and celebrated their victory. "Ladies, please, we still have a city to take!"

The women set him free. But before he returned to the dam, Elena grabbed him by the elbow and kissed him on the cheeks. "Go get them!" She yelled.

Stick ran off, covering his red cheeks. When he returned to the tower, he was met with a surprise. Bi and Skydas stood on top of their unconscious enemies. And they were no longer red conquerors. They were now true goblins with pale green skin and colorful feathers coming out from the nape of their necks. Skydas' red hair was much more fiery and deep, while Bi's blond hair turned white as snow.

Skydas saw Stick arrive and gave him a salute, "Sir, we have killed the enemy forces and detained the survivors!"

"Cool it. What happened here?"

"Just as I said, sir! We have,"

"No, I meant your form!"

"Sir, we do not know how it happened."

Bi pushed Skydas to the side, "We transformed during the heat of the moment. They were making fun of our Chief and told us that he was already killed by their king."

Skydas butted in, "They were insulting your leaderships, so we killed them for it."

"Ok," Stick sat on the ledge next to Bord. His smooth bald head reflected the sun on Stick's face.

"What do we do now, sir?" Bord asked.

"We have to wait for Shuja and Olhos to get off the way and we need to wait for Dawn to open the next dam, or else we'll be sitting duck."

"Maybe we can retake the wall gates from them."

"Maybe, but we already exhausted ourselves from coming here. Besides, most of their leaders are dead. We just have to wait and hope that Dawn comes through."

Suddenly, a large explosion erupted behind the second dam. Then a blue flash of light appeared before them. Coming out from the light were Rock and Smoke. They fell on the floor, bloody and bruised. And when the light disappeared, it left them with the King strangling Dawn while raising her in the sky. "Help!" Dawn choked out.

"Let go of her!" Stick yelled. Both he and Skydas leaped into action. Skydas bashed King with his shield, pushing towards the tower. He freed Dawn from his grasp and grabbed Skydas' shield, tearing it away from Skydas.

Then he punched him across the face, knocking him unconscious. He caught Skyda's body and used it as a shield. Stick stopped, "Coward, let him go and fight me!"

"Hmm," King contemplated for a second only to reject Stick. "Make me drop him!"

Stick swung his blade to the far right. King moved his meatshield to block the attack, but Stick threw another sickle straight towards him. And it nearly landed on his neck, but the King teleported behind him and strangled him.

Bi ran up to the King and stabbed his back, but her sword did not penetrate his skin. The metal blade merely tickled him. King kicked her on the stomach, and her body landed on top of the pawns. Then he tightened his arms around Stick's neck. "How many are you fuckers?" He shook Stick, "I met not one, not two, but ten of you fuckers besides that stupid dead leader of yours! How the hell did you fucks break the curse, and when I have the damn key? Answer me!"

Stick lifted his feet to the air and used his body's momentum to flip King over his head. But King did not let go of his grip, and the two continued to wrestle for control on the floor. Only when Dawn got up did King released Stick. When fighting multiple opponents, it's best to on the move constantly. Staying on the ground will only reveal more weak points while being surrounded. "Bord, Parma!" Dawn yelled, "Get Rock and Smoke out of here, now!"

Parma and Bord carried the brothers on their back. Their bodies' lost most of their weight. It was a horrific sight to see Rock look as lean as Stick when he was often large and jolly. King pointed his index finger at Parma and shot a light beam through her calve. Parma fell on the floor, and Smoke rolled off her back.

Bord was the next goblin King aimed at, but Dawn swiftly blocked the shot with her body. The light bounced off her breast, protected by her mana. Stick came out from behind and wrapped his mana rope around King's neck. "For your information, we broke the curse because we are persistent."

"I can see that!" Mana surged out from under King's feet, and it propelled him towards the tower. Stick held on King's back. "But that doesn't matter because you're stuck between a rock and my back!" He squashed Stick's body between the tower wall and his body.

Then King kicked off the tower and landed next to Dawn. His landing caused a shockwave that pushed everyone off their foot. Dawn formed a bubble around her and the other goblins.

Five of the Orgut horsemen arrived at the scene. "It's only one person. Charge!" Korge yelled.

"No, retreat!" Dawn yelled, but it was too late. The cavalry ran past them and towards King. He pulled out two ebony swords and slashed through the cavalry charge. The horses were cut in half, and their riders fell to the floor like flies.

"Now," King lunged forward and sliced the bubble open. "It's time to end this."

"Not so fast," Smoke yelled as a hand grabbed one of King's swords. "I think you forgot something."

The hand was metallic and bronze. But King knew it was not Smoke's robotic warclub because it was too fat. In fact, it was not a robot hand, but a gauntlet. He turned around and saw Sun standing behind him. He smiled, "Long time no see."