The Orientation

"So that was an angel," Shuja said.

"Yes, and it's a good thing Cirona stopped you guys." Borvo held Cirona's hand. "If we started a fight, we would be expelled from the island and disqualified."

"That's only if the angel saw us," Sun remarked. "Those angels won't save them from an ass-whooping forever."

"Trust me. I would love to punch one of them in the face. But I can't afford to fail the mock exam. I have to pass it for my country." Cirona hugged Borvo, "Thank you, Cirona, but I'm fine. Honest."

The crowd fully dispersed after the angel left. They headed back to their ships, where their attendants were waiting with their luggage. The sun was almost gone and the harsh orange light illuminated the island. The group met up with Vivi, who was guarding their bags while Sparrow was busy touring the docks. Vivi was visibly upset that Sparrow left her on the ship. "Hey, before you go!" Vivi shouted, "Make sure your men don't leave for your sight. They get easily distracted for stupid things, like Sparrow."

Shuja and Cirona looked at each other. "I'll keep that in mind," Shuja said.

"Oh, come on. We don't get distracted that often." Sun said, but the two ladies merely rolled their eyes. Sun turned to Borvo, "Do we?"

Borvo nodded. The four left the docks carrying their luggage. They arrived at the gates of the front garden. An angel and an orc were standing guard above a tower overlooking the docks and the garden. They wore bright blue armor that shined against the light coming out from the pyre behind them. The crowd of nobles formed a line on the gates while two clerics and their attendants inspect and question each noble entering the gate.

It took several hours until the dark embrace of the night took over the sky. Candle lights lit the entrance and path of the garden. While they were waiting in line, the four talked amongst themselves about trivial matters such as their favorite food. Then when it seemed they have grown closer than ever before, Borvo asked Sun a very important question. "Sun, would you consider forming an alliance with my kingdom?"

"Sure," Sun answered without an ounce of hesitation.


"Yeah, I don't see why not."

"Well, there is something I have to be truthful to you. I don't have any family relatives that I can send off to marry, so our alliance will only be legally bound through paper. I can send a close courtier if you need. I have plenty that is willing to marry. No, they are in need of marriage."

Sun put his hands up, "Woah, hold your horses! I don't need anything other than the contract. Besides, I don't have anyone to marry off to as well."

"Still, it's not right to just rely on paper. At least to show my sincerity in the matter, I can offer a ward for you."

"I don't need ward. Trust me, the paper, our friendship, and your words are enough for me. There's nothing else in this world I need. Besides, any close ties with other kingdoms are great for me. Our fledging kingdom doesn't have much. We're just lucky our neighbors respect our sovereignty. Another helping hand in times of hardships is all I could ask for."

Borvo was elated, "Then I'll make sure to have a contract drafted once we got back home. In fact, I'll lend you a homing pigeon. The Church should have a spare for my kingdom, I can give it to you so it can memorize your castle, and we can have our letters sent to each other directly."

"Why not just send it through the post. Doesn't the Church have a robust postal service across Venusia? Well, at least near the coast."

"That's true, but I'm quite paranoid about my court. I've seen the worst in them. Some of them were so eager for war that they instigated the battles that caused the most lives." Borvo's hands began to shake, "And with my short reign and weak reputation, I doubt they will keep supporting. Sooner or later, they might just plot against me."

Sun sighed, "I guess being a ruler isn't as good as many claim it to be. And I can't say I understand your paranoia. I trust my court with my life. They are my brothers and sisters, my family. But I do understand your ambition to help others, and I'll be there. We haven't sign any papers yet, but from here on out, we are allies." Sun extended his hand. "And we will,"

Before he could finish, Borvo leaped forward and embraced him while crying his heart out. Just in time as they were next in line. The beastkin cleric walked up to the group and asked about their information. Sun went first. "What's the name of your kingdom and where is it located?"

Sun recited the lines Pagasa had him memorize, "It's called the Everflow Kingdom and it's located north of Scoffing City."

"Near Razin Forest?"

"Yes? It's a new kingdom, just established it after the number of settlers grew."

"And whose your court Chaplain?"

Sun blanked out, "Pardon?"

The beastkin groaned, "Your Court Chaplain? Who is he? And we need his identification."

"Um, we don't have one," Sun told them.

"What?" He yelled, "What do you mean don't have one?"

Shuja stepped in between the cleric and Sun, "What he meant to say was that we don't have yet."

"Yet? How in the world did you get here then? Only the court Chaplain can get an unlanded heir to the mock exam. If you don't have one yet, then how did you even get here."

Sun and Shuja were visibly confused. Pagasa never prepared them for this interaction, but fortunately, Borvo was there to the rescue. "My Court Chaplain's apprentice will be joining Everflow Kingdom's court this coming fall. You see, he was supposed to arrive at the end of spring, but the reconstruction kept him busy. So he gave Sun and Shuja the pass to come and take the mock exam."

Cleric glared at Sun, "Who is the future Chaplain?"

"His venerable Ashmen."

"Yes, Ashmen!" Sun remarked, "His name is both unique and forgettable. And it didn't help that I haven't met him yet in person, so I forgot."

The cleric sighed and let Sun passed with a warning. If Sun gets two more, he will be expelled from the island and will have to wait for next year to take the exam or be considered a target of the Church's followers. Once they finished with Borvo and Cirona, the group reunited at the front of the garden. They looked at the colorful flowers dancing in the cold night wind, illuminated by the light coming from the cathedral and its flying buttresses. The four future rulers gave a sigh of relief then marched forward. Little did they know, the exam already started.