
Suddenly the door opened.

Lily was annoyed at the bursting in of the waiter, who was apparently specialized in arriving at the wrong moments.

She was frustrated with his timing of serving the appetizer. As he fumbled with the plates and the salad, he refilled the glasses carefully.

Finally, Lily had found the right words. But now, her mind was blank. She did not know where she found so much courage. But she was proud of herself. She had to bargain. At least she should try.

She knew she was in the devil's kitchen and he would weigh every word on a scale.

She had to remain alert. She should not be guided by her feelings. She was not allowed to be guided by her fear. Lily just had to keep a cool head.

Because she knew he was right, they both had only benefits from this marriage. So she could try to set conditions.

Meanwhile, Lily picked up the fork and speared a tomato.

"Adrien, do you want a tomato?" Lily lovingly whispered to Adrien, who was still hiding under Lily's hair. He wrapped his arms tightly around Lily's neck. That gave him security. Safety he needed. Lily was his safe haven. His refuge. Only with her did he feel really safe. After learning that he would not see his parents again, Adrien barely spoke. He clung to Lily as if she were his last saving straw.

The strange man was scary. Adrien was afraid he would take his Lily away from. So he clung to his Lily even tighter. Did not dare to let her go.

Lily rubbed his back anxiously until Adrien lifted his head and opened his mouth. Lily gently pushed a red cherry tomato into his mouth. She wanted to give her little angel a second tomato. But Adrien briefly shook his head before he put his head back on Lily's shoulder. He was waiting for spaghetti.

"Do you want a cucumber?" Adrien shook his head again. Before he decided to turn around. He scanned the table with his big puppy eyes. "I want to eat that, Lily." Adrien pointed to the breadsticks in the bread basket with his chubby little fingers. Lily dropped the fork and handed him one of the grissini.

"Is it tasty?", Alexandre asked dryly and took a sip of wine, before he sent the waiter away with a single glance.

Adrien's expression changed as he saw the stranger. He felt threatened.

The brave toddler bit into the grissini demonstratively, staring at the threat in black with sparkling eyes. The black guy would not get Lily. Adrien nibbled on his grissini, nodded, but never let the unknown man out of his sight.

Amused of the bunny couple, Alexandre turned back to Lily. "And the conditions would be?"

Lily straightened up. She straightened her shoulders and looked straight into his eyes.

"I have three conditions. First, as soon as Adrien grows up he should be entitled to the full inheritance of his parents. Adrien should remain the heir at all times. There will be no changes with this condition. For the time until he grows up, you can manage it. Please don't screw it up. "

His self-control was phenomenal. Alexandre did not like her statement at all.

Don't screw it up.

Who the hell was he? Screw it? Ha, how could he mess something up? He, who bought company daily, hired competent managers, designed projects, ruled an empire, like a god. He could ruin something? He did not know. He never experienced it. A deep furrow formed between the eyebrows of the experienced businessman. He could only stare in disbelief at the girl, who continued unaffected.

"Second, promise me you will not mistreat me, neither physically nor mentally. The same applies to Adrien. Do not get me wrong. I do not know what kind of man you are and I'm not saying this to offend you. "Lily just said it because she remembered her other life. Her father was an alcoholic. And if there was no alcohol, he would beat up her mother and her. Sometimes he beat her because he was in a bad mood. Life was hell. Lily never wanted to experience domestic violence again. That's why Lily wanted to make sure he never gets violent against Adrien and her.

Suddenly, his expression darkened. Did she consider Alexandre to be a man who was violent towards his wife or even his child?

He felt that unpleasant throb in his temples, which he had not felt for a long time. Did she wanted to annoy him, mess with him. Although she claimed the opposite. Did she want to drive him into rage.

This woman!

He ignored the disturbing throb in his temples. It felt uncomfortable. "What's the last conditions?"

"I want to have the freedom to choose and speak for myself. I do not want to be patronized. "It was important for Lily to decide for herself. She did not want anyone to decide over her head like her grandfather did. She wanted to be asked. Be equal. Because she still remembered how it was to live self-determined. In her last life, when she was that other woman, there was this freedom. This independence. This equality of man and woman. No suppression. No underestimation.

And after this freedom, Lily often yearned.

Fascinated, Alexandre leaned back. He tried to look at Lily from another angle. He wanted to know what the hell this little girl was thinking. What was going on in her mind. Alexandre just wanted to look into her head.

He knew he had the upper hand in this deal. But he was willing to listen to her. Somehow she fascinated him with her strange conditions. Conditions that had nothing to do with a marriage contract. She amused him and annoyed him with her statements at the same time.

"Ah, I still have a fourth condition."

Alexandre nodded. "That would be?"

"If you want to divorce, I would like a severance pay. The amount can be discussed with the lawyers. And Adrien stays with me."