
Lily was still in shock after her grandmother had pulled her into an embrace. Valerie de Clermont was a timelessly elegant lady. Everything about her was reminiscent of elegance, glamour and charm. Every movement. Every thought. She was an aristocrat through and through, who was born with natural elegance.

She seemed ageless. There were hardly any wrinkles on her elf-like face. In her gray eyes Lily always found kindness and refuge. Valerie was the epitome of noble taste this evening. She had put her silver-gray hair into a fancy updo and wore a refined white-gold evening dress in the twenties style with long, wide sleeves made of a transparent fabric, embroidered with fine white flowers. Valerie de Clermont renounced much jewelry. She wore only a pair of pearl earrings and her wedding ring.

Yet this spell lie around her grandmother, who reminded Lily of a magnificent work of art.

That took a load off Lily's mind. She was relieved that she could finally put herself in the arms of her Grand-mère again. She smelled that familiar smell of tangerine blossoms that gave her security. And meant home.

"Lily." Her grandfather greeted her cheerfully and pulled her into his embrace. Then he politely greeted Alexandre with a firm handshake. He had this typical charming smile that Lily loved so much. That smile that made many young Mademoiselle dream of him when he was younger. Albert de Clermont still emitted this special gentleman charm with his royal blue pinstripe suit.

Lily had the same sapphire blue eyes as her grandfather and her mother. It was somehow a Clermont thing.

Despite his age of 74, Albert de Clermont was a handsome businessman with graying hair and a well-groomed Bard. He was a loving husband and grandfather.

Lily had always been his little princess whom he liked to pamper.

After his daughter's early death at the age 25, he and his wife had taken in Lily. Since Raymond, his son-in-law, was still in shock after the loss of his beloved wife Therese. He somehow blamed Lily to this day. That's why he'd never really cared for Lily. The more so are her grandparents.

The family leaders of the Clermont family were part of the narrow circle of people who cared about Lily's well-being. She was the princess of the Clermont family. Her grandparents' darling and that's why Lily was so happy to be back home.

Lily did not know what her grandparents thought. But she was grateful to Alexandre for bringing her home. She was afraid to never see her grandparents again, and yet she was here.

Lily sat down. Opposite of her Valerie beamed at her.

"Looks like your grandfather made a big mistake." Valerie's eyes widened expectantly as her husband raised his gray eyebrows guiltily. "My dear granddaughter …" Albert interrupted his wife with a sharp gaze. "It seems a hothead is part of the family heritage. You didn't seem to be spared. But my young lady, we should both treat ourselves to a minute's silence in the future in order to clear our head, before we make hasty decisions. We would surely have found another solution." Albert de Clermont looked thoughtfully at his granddaughter. She had assumed many of his characteristics over the years. Features he did not like. Outwardly, she may resemble his wife and daughter. But her temperament probably came from him. Albert sighed. "My darling, you have scared us a lot. Something could have happened to you. Your father and Madame Ivonne were utterly frantic after finding your room empty. You were really lucky." His eyes flew excitedly to Alexandre.

As if on cue, Alexandre grabbed Lily's hand and pulled her dainty hand closer. "I'm more lucky." Lily had to look up to him. He was such an actor. But Alexandre looked much younger when he smiled so relaxed.

"I must thank Monsieur de Valois for looking after my granddaughter so well in the last two years. Despite your secret marriage, I wanted to ask you for a formal wedding celebration and a church marriage with family and friends." Her grandfather looked expectantly at Alexandre.

Alexandre grinned happily. He had achieved everything. Alexandre successfully cheated on Lily's grandparents and his family as well as the rest of the fine society. Lily could not deny it. Alexandre was thoroughly a cunning villain. Incidentally, he also saves Lily's reputation and his reputation as a man.

Lily was again a blank slate without any scandals in her luggage. In the eyes of the fine society, she was nothing more than the perfect little Lady of the Clermont family. Perfect for the position as his wife.

What a diabolical plan!