Unpleasant questions

"I am innocent. That's the gossip press, love. "

Lily eyed him suspiciously. He was not for nothing the greatest villain of the book. He was clever and cunning. Always on guard. "We both know that you are not an innocent lamb. Nothing happens just like that. Spit it out. What's going on here? What are you trying to hide? "

Louise smelt a rat. "Ah, so Alec worked with the tabloids?" Her eyes lit up with curiosity. She enjoyed it when someone revolted against her brother. Otherwise, the usual women threw themselves into Alec's arms and begged for his attention. First, Louise thought Lily was such a woman too. She seemed rather quiet, reserved and obedient. She had thought her brother had married the girl because of the child. But then she had seen that light in his eyes. Now he teased her so freely and enjoyed her attention. He had regained his good mood and that pleased her.

Besides, she was also sensationalist. The conversation seemed to be moving in an exciting direction.

"And what do the tabloids write about?" Lily now asked with discomfort. She took a deep breath and fought the onset of anger. She suspected something bad. He hid something. But she did not really know how to classify his behavior. She knew that her public appearances had only one purpose. To make his little story of lies believable. Since she knew him, he dragged her to fine events to present her. Lily also understood his motivations.

"What's the problem?" Alexandre shrugged innocently. Lily frowned. What the problem is? She asked herself sarcastically. She found some points very critical.

First, How could she trust him if he never included her in his plans? He always kept everything to himself. Played his stupid games and left her at the outside. She often felt she was just one of his pawns, and that hurt her. She wanted to trust him. But how could she trust him if he pushed her into the cold water? She always felt so stupid when the whole world knew what was going on in her life. But she didn't.

Lily's eyes fell on Louise. She decided to ignore him and obtain information from other sources. "Louise can you recommend some magazines for me? I think I also want to know more about my life! "

"Of course!" Louise answers sweetly. "Ah, I have a better idea!" She winked at Lily. Slowly, she liked this little dinner party better and better. While Phillipe frowned beside her, she decided to join her sister-in-law against her arrogant brother. "I will gladly send you my collection. Since Alec does not like to talk about his private life, I had to access other sources and therefore collected and documented everything I found. But since the articles only from the perspective of my brother, I would like to hear your opinion in return." Loulou giggled maliciously.

"Why are you so sure it's just my perspective?" Ask Alexandre slightly sourly.

"Mh, maybe ... because it has grown only on your crap. I can remember, in some articles there were interviews. Lily does not seem to know about any interviews."

Lily blinked. Interviews? She became quite dull in the stomach. Here she came to the second point, which she found to be super, super critical!

The upper class was flighty, and he needed a woman with a one-way reputation. If someone was ruined, the fine society would not forget easily. And when the fine circles broke with someone, it was synonymous with social death. It was fast to ruin both socially and economically. Because you lost not only acquaintances, but also business relationships. Everything was interwoven. Why a good reputation was even more important. She played along because he promised to protect Adrien.

But that he also collaborated with the gossip press. She had known nothing about that. Not only did the upper classes know about their private affairs. No, now every jerk knew about her life. She did not even want to imagine what was being talked about.

"Louise, that's the gossip press. They do not care about the truth and like to be inventive. "Phillippe tried to soothe his fiancée. He knew she was often, very spirited. Especially towards her brother. But he liked that about her.

"They will not pull some interviews out of the nothing. Especially not several different magazines. There's something up in the air and you know that!" Loulou smiled smugly.

Lily stares at Alexandre, stunned. How far had he gone? What was he trying to hide?

She had always tried to stay out of the gossips. Her life was discreet and uninteresting. And now she was topic number one. She already pictured the worst headlines. Bold and oversized printed on the cover image. With a reference - you can find more on page 23!