Villains don't listen

Lily had sat down on his bed while she waited for Alexandre. She heard the water bounce off the floor in the shower as she braced herself for a confrontation. She would not let it go. Otherwise, he would continue to treat her like a puppet. Pulling on her strings as he pleases.

Suddenly the door swung open. Lily could not help but stare. He looked like a god that had come down from Olympus to temp mortals. He wore only a towel loosely wrapped around his waist. Only a towel. Stressed her brain just before the collapse. Tiny drops of water were scattered on his stunning body. Lily's mouth was dry. She probably looked like a jerk. But there was clearly too much bare skin. Her innocent brain just could not handle that. The black hair was disheveled from drying with the towel and gave him that wild bad boy look. Then her eyes stuck to his bare torso. His broad chest was well-trained and clean-shaven. Each part of his muscles showed under his bronze-colored skin, the slightly rounded biceps, the broad flat pectoral muscles, and the ribbed abdominal muscles, which disappeared under the towel in a V-shape.

Lily's brain had declined once again. There was too much bare skin at once! Her wildly throbbing heart cried desperately. While blood shot into her cheeks. Automatically, her hands went over her burning face, obscuring her field of vision so that her treacherous brain could think straight again. She had an assignment! She could not forget this easily, because of a bit of bare skin.

"Do you like what you see?" Alexandre teased. He was aware of his effect on her.

"I vote today be a pajama day! Put on something!"

"I saw that. You just checked me out." He stood in front of Lily and grabbed her hand and pressed it against his chest. "You can touch me."

Lily looked at him for a second from a tomato-red face, which became redder with each second. Until she squeaked, pulled away her hand, and fell backwards into bed.

Alexandre started to laugh loudly and Lily could not shake off the feeling that he was enjoying her misery a bit too much.

"You! You aren't supposed to laugh! I'm so embarrassed!"

To Lily's astonishment, she recognizes that familiar sparkle in his eyes. His eyes sparkle with amusement! Before he went to the adjoining dressing room. Lily could not believe what had just happened and tapped lightly with her little fist against her stupid head. She took a deep breath and tried to concentrate on her target.

Alexandre stepped out of the dressing room. Still wearing only a boxer shorts. Lily looked at him with a scowl. "Why are you still half-naked!" She snapped at him.

"You think I'm dumb enough to fall for that stupid move, twice? I'm still mad at you. And we need to talk." Angry, she engulfed her arms in front of her chest and blew up her red cheeks. Now he could take her even less seriously. She looked more like a sweet squirrel than serious conversationalist.

He laughed. "Talk to me, love. We have to communicate if we want this to work." He then approached her. Automatically, her eyes widened. She looked so innocent and pure. It only made him want to corrupt her all that more. He put his big hand around her cheeks and squeezed her chubby cheeks. Air escaped from her puffed-up face as if a pin had burst a balloon. He could hardly resist a laugh.

"I'm so far gone I actually think this is cute."

She stared at him. His remark hurt her a little. She wanted to talk to him seriously. And this rogue? He only played with her! He knew exactly which buttons he had to press with her and that annoyed her. Anger stirred in her, seething in her inner. She narrowed her eyes and clenched her hands into fists

"Oh so you think I'm cute when I'm angry? Well get ready because I'm about to be gorgeous!"

But before she could say another word, he was already above her. Press his hot lips on hers.