Open your eyes

"Lily." A soft whisper.


"Lily." A hand brushed across her cheek.



"Lily." The soft calls became more insistent. "Love, please open your eyes."

She blinked faintly into the dim light. Totally disoriented, her eyes wandered, stuck to one face. A beautiful face.


Slowly she was opening her eyes finally. Her cheek was resting on a soft pillow?

Carefully she let her fingers run over the ground, felt a soft silky fabric. A cloth? No, a blanket.

It took her minutes to understand where she was.

Still, sleep hung heavy in her mind. All she could remember was the trip home ... in the car...

But how had she got into bed.

Alexandre's face was hanging right over hers. His eyes were tense.

"Lily." He whispered her name. There was a sense of urgency.

She lay on her side in bed. Her body was heavy as she tried to get up from bed. A brief pain whirled through her arm. She bit her lips, trying to stop the groans that escaped her mouth.

Immediately Alexandre's arm was on her back, helping her to sit up. Her eyes gazed down at her arm. Wondering where the pain came from. Her stare remained fixed on the dark splint, before she was able to recall...

Lily had closed her eyes for a moment. She felt like she had slept for a long time and yet her body was still heavy. Tired. As if someone had forced the air out of her. Using a jackhammer to crush her body.

What had happened?

She was still wearing the clothes she had on last night, fully dressed. Except for her feet, which were naked. She frowned.

"Lily..." His warm voice drew her attention. "You fell asleep in the car. I couldn't wake you..."

Ahhhh! She was still trying to realize. Lily nodded, although she was still trying to process his words.

A smile lay on his face. He stroked a few strands behind her ear.

"Still not awake?" He asked amused.

She nodded drowsily and saw the world only from slits.


He bent over. Looked down at her for a moment. Something burned in his eyes.

He kissed her. Suddenly. Delicate. Softly... Hungry.

His lips brushed against hers. Just for a moment. Intense. Burning on her skin. His tongue crushed into her mouth. Probing it fiercely. Only for one delicious moment.

And then the spell was over...

She stared at him with wide eyes.

Now she was awake!

"Awake?" He asked to be sure.

"Awake." She confirmed out of breath.

Alexandre chuckled. "Good. I need your attention. Then you can go back to sleep."

"Thanks for waking me. But now I definitely can't fall asleep again." She mumbled.

He hesitated, looking her in her eyes for a moment before he laid his head on her shoulder. Still his arms were wrapped around her. A strangely intimate touch. She allowed it to happen. Enjoyed it a little. But at the same time, her heart was beating up to her throat.

"You must promise not to leave the house today." A protest was on the tip of her tongue. But then she remembered her reflection. Green and blue. Covered from top to bottom with swellings and marks. Maybe he was right. It wasn't a good idea to go out like that. It might start some rumors. Anyway, she didn't know how much was known of that night. She was supposed to keep a low profile. At least until she knew more.

"I'm not grounded for not listening to you"? She tried to joke. But in between her words a little seriousness was hidden.

He laughed. "No. I'm just trying to save you from your own stupidity." Again he raised his head. Ernst lay in his gaze. "The bodyguards couldn't start to work yet. I don't want you to get hurt. If something happens. I want you to be safe wherever you go. Give me one more day."

She laughed in relief. "Don't worry. Adrien and I are gonna stuff ourselves with all the candy in the house today and going to watch some cartoons."

"Please do something useful with Adrien too. He was watching Momo with me yesterday.

"Oh, really?"

"Yes." A stiff wrinkle appeared between his eyebrows. "Three hours! He had refused to go to sleep." Love echoed in his words. Lily had to giggle when an image flashed through her mind. The helpless Alexandre at the mercy of Adrien's unbeatable cuteness. She would have loved to be there.

Clucking, she let herself fall into the pillows.

Suddenly, Alexandre was above her again. Her heart was racing too loud under her chest. Their bodies were too close. Barely a hand could fit between them.

Slowly, Alexande bent over, kissed her on the tip of her nose. Before he jumped out of bed and headed for the door... Only now did she realize he was already fully dressed in his suit and shirt.

He quickly reached for the tie on the night table. His eyes remained on her. "I have to go now. I'd like to stay for breakfast." With skillful fingers he ties the tie around his neck. Then he paused. Again he was looking down at her. "Tonight, I won't be able to make it for dinner." He confessed to her.


"Yes, I'm afraid I have some appointments to make up for."

"I understand."

"Don't be sad, love. See you in bed."

Her jaw dropped as he bent over, self-satisfied, to kiss her quickly and then hurry out of the room.

Lily's mind was on a roller coaster. Again. And all because of that shameless villain again.