An unexpected visitor

Moments later the heavy wooden door jumped open again. Claudio grinned and paused for a moment in the door frame. "How touching!" His mossy green eyes observed the people in front of him. "Ah, my dearest bastards, all in one room?" With one smooth movement he pushed his brown hair out of his face. Shadows were dancing around his eyes. His golden skin looked a little too pale for Mr. Sun-Fanatic. The top buttons of his black shirt stood open. The sleeves were carelessly rolled up to his elbows.

"Sorry, I was stuck with some businesses. So I only arrived now."

"We weren't expecting you anyway!" Jacques frowned without hesitation.

"I'm happy to see you too, Jacques."

"It's fine as long as you're here." Emile threw a hard look at Jacques before he turned back to Claudio.

"Yeah! It's been a while." Claudio casually strolled to the bar, grabbed a bottle of wine and uncorked it with his teeth. The cork fell down to the ground while the Italian casually settled down on the divan.

Alexandre let the golden liquid swirl in his glass. He was observing what was happening in the room. Claudio had sat down opposite of his armchair. " Want to play a game?" Claudio pulled out a pack of cards from his pocket. Skillfully shuffling the deck before he dealt the cards. "Nice bruises, by the way!" He smiled at Alexandre.

Slowly Alexandre leaned forward, reaching for the cards. "Yeah, it's been a while."

"You look pretty out of practice." Claudio let his head fall back into his neck laughing. "You should go practice in cage."

"I'm a pacifist. I don't resort to violence."

"I guess it's kind of more like the saying, others can get their hands dirty for me." Claudio let the first card drop on the table.

"We're quite similar in that aspect." Alexandre smiled. He drew a card, slid it into his deck and studied the cards in his hand.

Claudio smiled and continued the small talk with Alexandre.

"How long will you stay in country?" Asked Emile from the side.

"For a while. Got some business to take care of." Claudio took a big sip of the bottle. Before leaning towards Alexandre. "The informations are in the car." He hissed at him. "If you win, it's free..." He took another sip of wine. "If, you lose... you know the price."

A shifty grin played around Alexandre's eyes. "How gracious." And he placed a card on the table.

Claudio threw his arms up in the air. "Just wanted to make sure you were trying hard." Then he emptied the bottle with one gulp and slammed it on the table. "By the way, I'm staying at your place tonight!"

"Go to hell! The hell you will!"

"Are you gonna make me sleep by the road?!" Grinning Claudio in feigned disbelief.

"Go visit one of your mistresses." He had no desire to let that drunken bastard into his house. Not after he'd already wasted his time here. His thoughts turned to Lily and Adrien. I wonder what they were doing. Were they having dinner?

"She left me." Whispers Claudio.

"Then find a new one." Stephan sent one of the girls to them. She had long silver-blonde hair. A voluminous hourglass figure and endlessly long legs. Claudio put his arm around her waist and pulled her down to him. She giggled and let herself fall on to his lap.

"Will you be my lover?" Asked Claudio innocently, letting his hand wander to her ass. The girl began to giggle, wrapping her arms around his neck.

Alexandre turned his face away. But suddenly he felt slender, soft arms around his neck. A heavy sweet smell rose up into his nose.