
He raises his eyebrow. "What a surprise, Lady de Carvoisin."

Nelli returned his smile. "The pleasure is all mine."

"I am quite surprised, Lady de Carvoisin. I must honestly admit I was not aware of your visit." Still Alexandre tried not to lose the overly friendly smile on his lips. Actually, he had hoped to finally regain his peace within his four walls. But now another redhead was sitting in his home with whom he did not want to deal with.

"Alec... um...Nelli...I mean Lady de Carvoisin. It is my neglect of not informing you of her arrival. The visit was rather spontaneous." Lily bit her red lower lip. "Lily was biting her red lip. As Alexandre watched this little action with his eyes, he immediately felt the urge to bite her red lips himself. Her lips were juicy and reddish, reminding him each time of a pair of ripe cherries. His eyes darkened, his gaze was captivated by this little gesture. He knew she did not do it on purpose. Yet it was so damned tempting. "You said you'd be late tonight. I thought until you'll come..."

"Am I not welcome?" In feigned shock, Nelli placed her hand on her cheek. Challenge was sparkling in her eyes. Lily could already imagine what was haunting her friend's mind. She still hadn't told her friend the truth, after all, Adrien was still present. Which is probably why Nelli her own imagined about how the story had progressed until this point. And Lily saw that Alexander was not doing very well within this storyline.

She tried to react, but a tiny whine interrupted her before she could say anything.

"Why can't Nelli be here?" Adrien whimpered. His eyes started to get glassy.

Alexandre stared at him blankly for the split of a second and for the first time ever he felt betrayed by his new family. All he wanted was to spend time with them, but suddenly there was this redheaded intruder who was favoured. When he arrived, he was neither greeted friendly at the door. Nor was he given a warm embrace. Instead, the butler told him about the surprise visit.

He was annoyed. He hated being surprised!

When he came into the room, his little family surprised him even more!

Adrien chatted without restraint with the redhead. And Lily looked at that damn woman with admiration, as if she were her knight in shining armor. She'd never looked at him like that before.

"But of course not." He muttered, reaching down to ruffle Adrien's hair. "Lady de Carvoisin is more than welcome in this house." He wanted to get rid of her! Quickly! Alexandre had to make a good mine to get rid of her. Even he could notice the evil sparkle in her eyes.

He was just about to sit down next to Lily and was already planning how he would get rid of this annoying visitor, as suddenly the next troublemaker burst in.

Claudio were strolling in behind the butler. Alexandre felt he would get a headache.

Disgruntled, Alexandre grabbed the cup of tea that one of the maids was handing him.

"Claudio what a surprise." He stated soberly. "I thought you wanted to stay at the club a while longer."

"I thought I told you about my plans." With a mocking grin he stepped to the table. He enjoyed it as all eyes were now on him. Astonished. Curious.

"Won't you introduce me?" But his dark gaze drifted to the redhead who was quietly sipping her tea.

Ha! Alexandre thought to himself.

He could also get rid of both flies with one blow. Should he play Armor tonight?!

"Of course!" Alexandre sneered. "This is my wife Lillian and my son Adrien."

Gallantly Claudio leaned forward and gently kissed Lily's hand. Alexandre could hardly contain himself. He wanted to knock her hand out of his greasy hands. He immediately grabbed Lilly, and rubbed with his thumb over the spot that his lips had touched.

Amusement was in Claudio's eyes, which annoyed Alexandre even more. He wanted to throw him out. But he tried to be friendly and keep his composure.

"And this is Lady Lionelle de Carvoisin. A friend of my wife." Which he also wanted to get rid of as quickly as possible.

Again this bastard bent over to kiss the hand of Lady de Carvoisin.