
"Yes, what's a saber!? You'II better ask your Uncle Claudio!" Alexandre pressured it onto him. His voice sounds very calm and controlled. But in his eyes a warning gleamed.

Full of expectation, Adrien turns to Claudio. His attitude was rather shy towards the stranger, yet expectation shimmered in his eyes. Curiosity to understand what the adults knew, but he didn't. Thoughtfully, Claudio stroked his index finger over his full lower lip, his eye wandering to the little boy. "Come here." He beckoned the toddler to him before he let his hand slip under his jacket.

Thoughtfully, Claudio caressed over his full lower lip with his index finger, his eyes wandering to the little boy. "Come here." He beckoned the toddler to him before he let his hand slide under his jacket.

Suspiciously, Adrien slipped off Nelli's lap and took two steps towards the new uncle.

"This is a dagger." Claudio held a small knife made of gold and colorful gems in his palm. The blade was slightly curved and stuck in a scabbard, which was elaborately crafted with golden ornaments and gemstones. The eyes of the little boy glittered as he looked at the beautiful piece. The colorful stones were sparkling in the golden light of the illuminations. He had never seen anything so fascinating before.

But Lily's face turned pale as chalk.

"Ohh!" Marveled the child and stretched out his little hands towards the knife.

"A saber is much, much bigger. And much more dangerous." Claudio laughed calmly while he pressed the knife into the child's hands. "Keep it!"

Lily's head was tingling, as she was already on her feet, jumping towards Adrien. Removed with gentle determination the dangerous knife out of his soft hands. Before she took the little child into her arms. Her heart was pounding heavily. She pressed his head against his chest. Her body was hot and cold at the same time.

Alexadre had also jumped to his feet. "What are you doing?" He asked with subliminal threat. His face was unreadable, only a hint of anxiety shimmering in his silver eyes.

"Uh..." Claudio stuttered. Who was suddenly surrounded by overwhelming hostility. He didn't understand why. He just wanted to please the child.

Suddenly, a blow to the back of his head. Light but firm. He turned around. Asking.

"Are you crazy? You can't give a kid a knife. He could have hurt himself!" Lionelle was as white as a sheet and as shocked as the boy's parents.

Claudio swallowed. His mouth felt dry.

But Adrien hummed dissatisfied in Lily's arms. He raised his head in accusation. "I just wanted to play!" He tilted his head. "Why did you take it away from me?" Addy protested outraged and stretched out his hand in demand. His little fingers wriggled as he asked for the new toy.

"That's not a toy for you yet." Alexandre explained calmly and took the knife out of Lily's hand. "I'll save it for you until you're old enough." Alexandre looks at him earnestly with his icy silver eyes.

For a split second, the toddler frowned and also looked Alexandre straight in the eyes before frustratedly burying his head in Lily's shoulder.

Alexandre lifted him up and put him on his hip, gently stroking the toddler's cheek. Adrien lifted his head again and looked up at Alexandre who had walked a few steps towards Claudio with the boy in his arms.

"Say thank you to your uncle. You liked the present after all." Adrien nods eagerly and looks at the desperate man who was reflecting on his actions in silence.

"Thank you." Marbled the little guy shyly and pulled his face to a charming baby smile.

"Will you tuck him in?"

Lily nodded. It was late. Way past the kid's normal bedtime. He was certainly tired already. Addy reached out to her. Carefully, Alexandre handed the toddler back to Lily. The little one was wrapping his arms around her neck and clung to her.

"I'm not tired." A stubborn little man was staring at her. Alexandre tousled Addy's hair. "C'mon, buddy. It's bed time."

"But I still want to play with Nelli!" Addy interrupted him in a fit of protest.

"We can still play tomorrow."


"Pinky Promise." Nelli held her little finger out to him. Addy had already twisted his chubby finger with hers. "Pinky Promise!" He chuckled happily and had Lily take him to bed.