
Even wrapped up in the shadows of the night, Zurich still seems tidy and dressed up, as if mother-in-law would arrive at any moment for a surprise visit. Lily smiled with well-known familiarity. Although she had never visited Zurich before as Lillian de Clermont, she had been to Zurich before. It was a long time ago. In another life, one could say. At a performance in the Maag Halle. She could still remember vividly, as if only days separated her from her old life. But the Maag Halle probably wouldn't even exist in this Zurich. Its architectural style would have been too modern for this universe.

Since there had been no world wars in this universe until this point, almost all European cities had remained unbombed. They had preserved their historical townscape. And so Zurich was also shaped by churches, bridges and charming historic buildings. Nevertheless, it resembled more the Zurich in her memory. Other cities through which she had toured, such as London or Berlin, were not at all close to her memories. They were more imperialistic, historical, but still had their own charm.

"Where shall we stay?" She asked Nelli.

"Don't worry, I know the perfect place for us." She gave Lily a quick glance, a promising glint in her eyes. "But first, let us find out about the secret."

Lily hesitated. "But the bank can't possibly still be open." She pointed out. Lily also wanted to know what Fabien was hiding in that safety-deposit box. But she couldn't do anything about opening hours! Those were the laws of the working class.

"You're wrong, my dear." Lily frowned at the amused sparkle in Lionelle's emerald green eyes. Sometimes she simply couldn't follow her friend. While her friend was laughing like a champ. "Your husband's last name is sometimes useful." Nelli smiled conspiratorially.

"What have you done?" Asked Lily alarmed.

"Before we left, I posed as his secretary and made an appointment. We're even being greeted by the manager himself. Amazing!"

"And they just bought that?" Lily asked skeptically.

"Yup, after I dropped Fabien's name and inheritance... "After that, everybody behaved very obligingly. Actually unfair." The white Mini turned off into a street. "All you have to do is be a man and have a name, and all doors will open up for you." Lionelle lamented the injustice of this universe. The beautiful red lips poutingly pressed into a thin line.

Still, Lily was beaming from ear to ear. "I could kiss you! What would I do without you?"

"Damn right! Without me you were finished, sweetheart!

"Why are you so mean?!"

"I don't know. Maybe my factorysetting. And I swear you could even trip over your own shadow. You need me baby!" The mischievous grin on her lips grew wider and wider. More enchanting. No wonder that men like Claudio were attracted to Nelli when even Lily's own heart leapt at her friend's smile.

"Sorry, it's part of my DNA." Lily answered just as boldly. A sweet smile on her rosy lips.

"I know you are natural in being a pain in my ass. You don't even need to try."

"Congratulations! Now you are wittier than the bully who tormented me in first grade."

"I think he was in love with you."

"That's definitely not true."

"Oh, yeah! He always looked over at you in secret. His cheeks were bright red. And his face said... Marry me!" Nelli cried with a devoted voice. Roaring laughter filled the room as the car came to halt in front of a high Art Nouveau building. There they were. So close to the secret. Lily got out of the car and then fetched Adrien from his child seat on the back row. The toddler was sound asleep as the girl took him in her arms and put him on her hip. Carefully, she laid the child's head on her shoulder so that the boy could continue to sleep. It was already late. Addy had to go to bed. But what could she do? She wouldn't leave him behind. She couldn't. But at the same time, she wanted to strike while the iron was hot. She closed the car door and followed Nelli, who was already waiting at the entrance.

A man in his mid-forties in a blue night watchman's uniform opened the door for them.

"You are being expected, Mrs. de Valois, Miss de Carvoisin." He greeted her in fluent English with a Swiss accent.

They followed him to the elevator and went up to the 6th floor, where they were welcomed once more by a young man in a black suit. The blond boy with slipped glasses on the bridge of his nose led them to a room with high ceilings and beautiful art nouveau stucco work on the walls and ceiling. In the middle of the room stood the eye-catcher, a round Chippendale table with a filigree wickerwork covered protectively by a glass plate. Around the table were four matching chairs in the same style and on the sides were scattered large flower pots with exotic plants, which gave the room a lively touch.

The friendly assistant, who had introduced himself as Yannis Lugmaier, helped them to take a seat. Always with a modest smile on his lips. "Mr. Zoeller will see you any moment. May I offer you a cup of tea or coffee, ladies?"