Doubt and Anger

"Hello, Love. We are long overdue for a little chat." He said in that tone of voice that would not tolerate any objection. Alexandre stood casually leaning against his car, his arms crossed in front of his chest as he looked over at her. Lily took a sharp breath as their eyes met. His face was frozen into a motionless mask. But in his eyes a storm seemed to be raging. He was furious and if she was honest, she had never seen him in such a mood.

Her heart contracted into a tight knot. The sight of him tormented her. Suspicion still rumbled within her.

He seemed to be seething with rage as he rushed towards her. His nostrils flared with each breath. Suddenly a group of men in black suits surrounded the girls. It seemed hopeless. The men had taken up positions behind and in front of them at a distance of a few meters. Nelli clenched her fists, sparks seemed to fly from her eyes. One of the brawny men grabbed Nelli by the arm and dragged her to a black limousine.

"Get in!" Hissed it from inside the car. Lily immediately recognized the man waiting for Nelli. No wonder her friend vanished into the car without protest.

When Lily tried to help her, Alexandre pulled her arm back. She crashed into his firm chest. A second limousine stopped less than a meter behind them.

He ripped Addy from her arms and gripped her wrist even tighter. His grip was stiff and taut, seemingly draining her blood. She moaned in pain.

"You are hurting me." She resisted him. Tried to free herself from him. But his grip only grew more relentless as he dragged her behind him. At the same time, he grabbed her around her center. She could only gasp in shock as she landed twisted on the back seat. Lily banged her knee, yet Alexandre was already determined to get her legs inside the car and slam the door behind her.

Suddenly she heard Adriens cries. He was in tears. The commotion had woken him up. She tried to get up. When she reached for the door handle to get to Adrien, the door remained closed. She tugged at it, nothing moved. She tried again. In vain! She banged on the window pane. Her palms hit the cool glass. But she could only watch from the window as Alexandre handed the crying toddler to a nanny. He seemed to be saying something to the boy, Lily couldn't hear anything, but Addy seemed to calm down slowly. The Nanny carried the boy to another car in the background.

The black door was ripped open and Alexandre slid onto the bench next to her. Lily pressed herself against the door. She wanted to get as far away from this man as possible. She heard the wheels squealing. They were driving off. But where to? What would happen to her? Her whole body was shaking. She was almost sobbing.

He threw a quick glance through the rear window to the car behind, then he faced her again.

"Why did you lie to me?" His voice was calm, but in his eyes the danger glittered. He pressed a button on the side of his seat. Slowly a dark partition wall rose up, separating the driver's cabin from the back of the limousine.

"I wasn't lying. We went out and I didn't want to tell you about it!" She scratched up her little piles of courage and mixed it with her pent-up anger. Not today... not after this treatment... she would not give in. And especially not if it was true!

"You're kidding, right?" Alexandre's eyes narrowed as he stared at her and exhaled clearly audibly.

"No, you would have prevented this!" She trembled under his gaze. But if it really was true, if he was behind Ellis and Fabien's death, she would never forgive him. She no longer wanted to dance on top of his hand, moving to his rhythm.

"You didn't think it would be bad to anger me unnecessary?" He asked dangerously softly. "You're risking your life for what!" He didn't give her time to say a word. "And what did you find out that was so important? What was in that damn safe deposit box that was worth all this?! Are you happy now?!"

"I thought I could trust you." She screamed.

"Lord give me patience!" He grumbled dismissively. The car turned a corner, whizzing past buildings. "I've spent all this time wondering and worrying about you. And you didn't think of me once?"