Never taken his eyes off

Lily blinked. Still trying to get control of the chaos in her head. So many emotions all at once were overwhelming her. But one thing she absolutely could not give in at this point. There were lines even he couldn't cross.

Lily punched his chest with her fist and put all her anger into her words. "You scoundrel! Let me go."

He withstood her icy stare. But he couldn't take her seriously with this watery eyes and puffy scarlet cheeks. She looked more like a cute little squirrel. He kissed her quickly behind her ear, determined to tease her further and whispered. "'re warm. I'm cold, come closer."

Then he smiled broadly down at her. Even in this situation he felt so calm, almost free and that was only thanks to her: "If you had let me kiss you the first time I asked. I wouldn't have kissed you in public." He knew it was a lie, he would have kissed her anyway. But the only difference was that he enjoyed it. Maybe it was her deep blue eyes. Maybe her sweet scent or her delicate body, which gave him that feeling of home.

"If you don't stop staring. I'll kiss you again."

"I believe that is the thing I told you not to do."

"Did you think I would listen?" He reached out and touched her face, her skin was smooth and glossy. In her eyes the light of the chandeliers flickered. He had the feeling of looking at the sea by moonlight. It was impossible to avoid thoughts of her. She looked stunning and she was his. He tried to shake this feeling off but it stuck to him like glue.

"Fine, you win." He breathed deeply. Only once, he imagined yearning. He took a step back from her. Alexandre couldn't forget why he was here. No matter how tempting this was. Then he offered her his hand. "May I have this dance?"

Reluctantly she took his hand. Alexandre wrapped his arm around her waist and tried to lead Lily onto the dance floor. But her head swung to the side.

"What?" He asked, although he had longed for this moment.

"I think I saw my uncle..." Thoughtfully she tilted her head to the side. "I didn't know he was in town. He would usually let me know."

"Do you want to go say hello?"

"Yes!" She nodded. "That would be nice." He pulled her next to him, amused and excited about the coming events. He knew that this bastard had already learned of his marriage to his goddaughter, but until now he had kept quiet. How far would this man go to get his revenge After all, Alexandre was now part of the family. Now his beloved little goddaughter was the wife of his archenemy. How would he react if Alexandre came face to face with him.

"Where is he?" He asked, although he had never taken his eyes off the man, as this one had done the same.

"There, by the window."

"Well, I guess we'll go and welcome him." Alexandre could not help but stifle the deep grin that reached from one ear to the other. This was only the beginning of his battle. He would ruin this man in every way. Emotionally, socially, economically.