
Alexandre waited for her in the ballroom. Every muscle in his body was tense to the breaking point. This uncertainty drove him insane.

He cursed it. Every moment he cursed at not being in the room. Not knowing what was going on in the room. He maintained a mask of serenity. Only with great effort. Chatting with friends and guests. But the conversations passed him by like a fleeting gust of wind without leaving a trace. He gave only vague answers, always trying to listen. But nothing stuck, not a single shred managed to survive. It was like water seeping into the sand. Hopeless!

Again and again his thoughts wandered to Lily. How was she? What happened to her? Was she all right?

He couldn't concentrate. He was too nervous from waiting. He knew nothing would happen to Lily. His men were placed close to her.

Everything would go according to plan. He had made sure of that.

After all, he had bugs sewn into her dress. Every single syllable was recorded. By tomorrow morning at the latest, the full report of the conversation between his wife and this bastard would be on his desk.

He knew that if she was really in danger, his men would intervene. Those were his instructions. He wasn't gonna let anything happen to her. But that' s not what he feared.

Gaston wasn't such kind of man. Though he hated the whole de valois family with all his heart, the bastard would never risk his revenge to give in to one tiny impulse. No, urges had never been able to control this beast. He was more like a snake, lurking quietly in high grass until the right moment came. Such a man was Gaston de Cocieux.

He was probably testing the waters. Seeking the benefits his goddaughter still had for him. Alexandre expected Gaston to use his niece against him. Making her his little spy, and he would use that for himself. He'd have direct access to Gaston and could use Lily to spy on him.

Again. That familiar signal, his phone vibrated silently by his leg. Was it over? He pulled it out of his pocket. But as the message passed, his eyebrows arched. For the first time that evening, he was seriously shaken.

He ruffled his hair and apologized to his conversation partners before hurrying out of the ballroom. Then he dialed the number of his security chief. It clicked. "Where is she?" Did he bark into the device.

"In the private rest room which the Count has prepared for, Your Grace. Madame has sent out the staff..." Alexandre hung up.

Taking two steps at a time, Alexandre climbed the stairs up to the top. A golden shimmer illuminated the empty hallway. Only two maids and a few of his bodyguards waited outside the closed wooden door. With a hammering heart, Alexandre stopped in front of it for a moment, took a deep breath and then quietly pushed down the door handle.

It was pitch black when he closed the door behind him. His hand hit the light switch. Glowing light dazzled him for a second, illuminating every corner with glaring light.

The room was empty.

His heart stopped.

Alexandre had no idea where to look for her. She just had to be here. He clenched his fists and was about to swear out loud. In his head he already started to list the names of the people who should start looking for a new one tomorrow.

But then he heard a soft hissing sound. Water flowing. His feet carried him automatically to the bath. The door was locked. He put his hand on the door and stared motionlessly at the door for minutes. He could feel her. He knew she was there. Only a door separated them. His heart was racing. He was such an idiot. He frowned reluctantly. Now that he was listening carefully, he could hear her.

Hesitantly, he broke free from his stasis, tapping lightly on the wood.

He cleared his throat. "Are you all right, Lily?"

Silence. He hesitated, became impatient. It was difficult to control himself. Now, with anxiety gnawing at him. He wanted to know how she was doing. How she was feeling?

He heard a sharp inhalation, as if she had to force herself to overcome something. "Yes! Why shouldn't I be okay?" Her voice sounded light, like a sweet, innocent melody?

He frowned his eyebrows.

Something was wrong. He knew that right away.

Her voice was too cheerful, too easygoing, too unprejudiced. But her sharp inhalation, the way she answered him made him prick up his ears.